Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgivings Past and Present

“And, in the end
The love you take

is equal to the love you make.” 
(Paul McCartney)

Thanksgiving last was poles apart from this and previous holidays  for Bobbie and your's truly. You might recall that last year we joined 43.4 million Americans to brave winter highways, overcrowded airports, and nuts-to-butts airplanes—left Goldie behind—drove to Lost Wages, Neveda, and caught an early bird oversold flight to Philly P. A. This, to eat, drink, and make merry with members of our far flung families. 

It was the best of times, it was the worst of Times, the latter being Times Square, as I spent a memorable Black Friday hobnobbing smack dab in the middle of a zillion New York City shoppers hell bent on saving a buck. My love hath no bounds, apparently. Though I adore the memory, I don't feel the need to repeat :)).

Previous Thanksgivings, most of them anyway, and this one today, have been/will be spent a few minutes from Zion National Park. Here we will feast with fellow nomadic types at an RV park spread that puts the Lord's Last Supper to shame. I will miss the fellowship and imbibing with loved ones this year. But I won't miss Vegas, paying a small fortune to fly Lowest Class, nor the all-or-nothing five-lane insanity of Interstate 95. Like John Melloncamp, I guess I'm just a small town kind of guy nowadays. Lovely Ouray, Colorado, has nary a stoplight, nor does Virgin, Utah, our current homestead. If and when they get one, it'll be time to move on. 

It's hard to believe Bobbie and I are still enthralled with what for most people is a fad. We have been full time and part time RVing off and on going back to when I was a young 49 year old wannabe newbie. Coast to coast, border to border, we've been there and done that. We have learned where our hearts are most content, and now circle our wagons with like-minded people here in southwest Utah during fall's, and then off to my childhood stomping grounds in southern Aridzona during wintertimes. 

We will store Goldie down the road and head home in a few days,  then spend a white Christmas in Lovely Ouray. Several feet of snow await our tracks up on Red Mountain. It will be an invigorating change of pace (shiver). I will be sorely ready for some fun in the sun come January. We'll see some of you down there in the desert, I'm sure...resume some hikes and bike rides and walkabouts in the lush Sonoran vegetation. 

Below are photos of the gang's hike along the Santa Clara Canyon rim…a place once called home to Indians who hunted, gathered, and farmed out an existence in this beautiful but sometimes inhospitable land. 
Peace out everyone,
Mark and Bobbie     


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and thanks for all the wonderful pictures. I hope to catch up with you when you come thaw out in Arizona.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bobbie.
    Nice pictures!

  3. Great day to you two. I am grateful for all your beautiful photos, engaging creative writing and hiking suggestions.

  4. Many thanks for the words and pictures. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and keep posting, whatever the weather throws at you in Ouray. Cheers.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you both! We've enjoyed "visiting" Zion this past month with all of your gorgeous pictures and wild stories. Safe trip back home!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. We plan on being in this area on our way to Wyoming next spring. Loving the ideas!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Mark and Bobbie! Looking forward to meeting finally somewhere in southern AZ!

  8. Hope we are all well and can continue where we left off in Utah somewhere in Arizona this winter!

  9. We have been following your blog for a few months and finally made it down to Zion last week for a short visit. What a beautiful area! We made several hikes including Angels Landing. We will definitely be back!

  10. Mark and Bobbie, we wish you only the best and happiest of what's left of the Thansgiving holiday. But then, every day is a good day to give thanks for what we have been given. Holy moley, you folks have really had terrific weather for all your exploits. We so envy what you've been up to for the past many weeks.

    At present, we can't be specific as to exactly WHEN we will be full-timing it. The target is in about 12 more months. But, here in Apple Valley, Zion is just a hop skip and a jump. As soon as the solar is up and running, we intend taking some extended trips as a "test". Not of ourselves, but of the improvements. As for ourselves, we're more than ready. Been there done that. Just not full-time.

    We would love to join you next fall for at least a portion of your time in the Zion area. Do you think there would be any room in your group? If so, we'll make a plan for prior to and up thru Thansgiving. I know you you don't know us, but I'm sure you will like us...Sharon anyway. :)

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, Mark ... love your many journeys and thoughts ... AND pictures

  12. Beautiful words, lovely pictures. Me too on the small town kind of gal. Can't even imagine being in NYC on any day let along black Friday. You are a marvel! Happy Thanksgiving and every day to you both!


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