Monday, November 24, 2014

How To Ruin a Perfectly Good Tan

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." 
Albert Einstein

That's John, Ellen, and John III, in the the lead photo; a handsome family in a handsome setting. But there was nothing handsome about the trail up to get that photo…I guess you could call it a trail. Just another day in Zion. 

Bushwhacking is tough on the tan :)


  1. I can only imagine the hell you led your team through to get that view:) Good to know I am not the only one with legs that look like that! Bushwhacking is tough business. I said the other day we must be part mountain goat or mule deer because we always seem to end up on their narrow trails!!!

    Love the new header...forgot to mention it before:)

  2. I believe that is what they make long pants for;-)

  3. Of all your gorgeous pictures, the double yellow lines in the road … jeeeez I like that and good lord!? the last picture of that bushwhacked leg? man

  4. Mark? can I post your double yellow line picture on FB? of course, acknowledging it's your picture?

  5. Until I saw the shoe attached, I thought that last photo was a trail map. I guess it WAS of sorts. :)

    1. And the shower hot water later on??? it stung like hell!!!!

  6. Had I not seen those ashy "road maps" with my own eyes, I would not have believed it! The pictures were worth the climb....but only if I wasn't the one climbing. Glad I got to see what I missed from the tree stump down below! Honestly, I turned around because I was convinced it wasn't a trail. I should know by now. ;-)

    1. You went past most of the more difficult parts. Your hiking learning curve has been as steep as that trail…you should be proud, Ms Grasshopper :)

  7. Love the quote and the post. Oh how I miss Zion! Was there two years ago for only one week. That's the equivalence of a dehydrated person getting only two drops of water! Pure torture, I made a promise to myself I will be back when I start my RV lifestyle!


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