Monday, October 7, 2013

More "Last Dollar Road" Postcards, and A Big Hug For The BCB Readers

I have good news to share, but first...

Being an emotional Artsy Fartsy type anyway, someone who is both effected and affected by beauty, to the embarrassing point of tearing up at a fiery sunset, Grand Canyon—wedding, funeral, the finals of So You Think You Can Dance—I am humbled/amazed by all the commenters who came out of the woodwork, and even lurkdom, to stand on the side of Natural Beauty, Post Cards, and yours truly. My "Rants" are trivial in the grand schemes of War and Peace and Life and Death, but what's a guy supposed to do when someone keeps peeing on the things he holds dear? A big thank you for your appreciation of the BCB (sniff).

I'm pleased to announce that I've been invited to write for another publication. It seems Mavis Bennett of The Monitor Magazine stumbled across my blog and found it thing you know I get an email asking if I would like to join her elite staff of columnists. I have enough writing to do just keeping up with the BCB and Ouray County Plaindealer Newspaper column, but I am a firm believer that when a door opens one should walk through it, because you never know where it might lead. 

So now I'm on Deadline for two publications in the midst of getting Goldie loaded and off to warmer climes, and trying to squeeze the last drops of color from Ms Autumn...I see she's packing up her bags. So for a while, writings here will be short and sweet...well, at least shorter. Thanks for your support! Now get outside and take advantage of your October Indian Summers.


  1. congrats drifter! Tantalizing where it "Could" lead ain't it? ;)

  2. Congrats! I have been away and really missed my BCB post card fix add my name to the lovers of all things BCB, writing AND photos.

  3. That's great news! Except it may mean cutting back on those IPAs!

  4. No cutting back!! Just juggle the ball and toss it a little higher!! I always look forward to your posts!!

  5. Yikes, is that SNOW on the ground? ;-)

  6. Great news, Mark. My dad used to write for the Monitor, and Mavis came to his memorial service. She's a real gem. You'll find a good audience there.

  7. Congrats on the job. Stunning shots.

  8. Congratulations on yet another door to open and explore.
    Looks like you be keeping busy.

  9. Listening to music by Tchaikovsky while viewing your landscape photographs is inspiring......keep them coming. Congratulations on the writing gig with Monitor. Make sure you include the link with your 1st article. Looks like snow is headed your way Wednesday, time to head to Moab.
    John Q

  10. Kudos to you! I think it's great that even more people will get to enjoy your excellent writing!

    Metamorphosis Lisa

  11. Way to go! It's nice to be recognized. I am sure you will do an awesome job:)

  12. I'm telling ya! The local tourist board should be using these photos. They make me want to travel.

  13. Oh, wow. That is so very cool! Years ago, I tried pitching travel articles to so many publications. Even offered to write articles for the Travel Section of the Atlanta Journal Constitution for FREE, yet they turned me down. LOL! So I really can't imagine what it must feel like to have them approach you! It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Such an evocative writer, but also a supporter of those who aspire to be the same...Well deserved!

  14. Congratulations! more gorgeous pictures .... love the dirt roads and trees

  15. Wonderful-count me in on your 'side' too. I LOVE your rants and postcards.

  16. Congrats! Your writing and style and voice are unique so hope they're paying you for this. Plus, of course, the photos are Amazing!

  17. Mark-- great news on new writing adventure- with your book and other writings- don"t get too busy- --John Q--- Tchaikovsky????? mixed with Mark Johnson??? I would say my choice would be the Rolling Stones mixed with Jimmy Buffett! Walden Creek Rv steve

  18. Here is a photography website that I follow. He was just in your area. Look at his beautiful pictures.(I think this will turn into a link.)

  19. Congrats! Always thought you should submit an article and pictures to Colorado Life magazine.

  20. Fantastic news on the new magazine gig! More folks to enjoy your way with words and pictures.


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