Monday, August 2, 2021

Fun With Megan and Micheal


Great niece, Megan, and spouse Micheal, dropped by Lovely Ouray for a couple of days. The Pennsylvanians were on a 4 to 6 week road trip tour of the southwest. Unfortunately, record high temps, countless forest fires and a monsoonal deluge plagued some of their camping trip, they made lemonade out of lemons and toughed it out. And to think, it was their honeymoon?


Of course, you can't visit Mark and Bobbie without the obligatory and breathless timberline hike :). 

Peace out, 

Mark and Bobbie...


  1. That last photo belongs in a frame on Megan/Michael's wall with your signatures Mark and Bobbie :)

  2. Terri the picture with the small water fall with Twin Peaks towering overhead would be the better choice :)
    Wish Mark or Bobbie would ID those flowers, (he used to do that in his younger days)
    Amazed at all the water flowing, is that from the Monsoon ?
    D & A

  3. Hi D & A, The orange flowers are Indian Paintbrush, the purple ones are Delphinium, and the bluish/pink ones are Bluebells. Bobbie


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