Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Perfect Fall-ish Backyard Loop Hike From Home

Twin Peaks and Little Sister


  1. Fall in Colorado is just so glorious!

  2. Wonderful photos of the best time of the year, thx for sharing, enjoyed them tremendously!

  3. I have a feeling the color is going to just get better and better! Beautiful!

  4. Fall in the San Juans never disappoints. Thanks Mother Nature for delaying the arrival of the most glorious time of year here in the mountains surrounding Ouray, arrived last Friday to lots of green but the golds soon started appearing everywhere although the Sneffels range is still very green.....but watching it all change is part of the excitement of this time of year.
    We spent Wed in So Mineral creek area and was treated to some of the best mixed colors in years, lots of reds & oranges, the pooch got to swim in the creek so it was a stellar day. Off to Woods Lake area today
    So far no bear sightings in town but friends have a Mt. Lion on the neighbors security camera cursing down their alley over on 5th St, that probably explains why we aren't seeing many deer in the area but now Ouray has a flock of Turkeys cursing around town.
    Have looked for the King & Queen of the Mountain tops but have not spotted them yet! :) Probably bet look in at the Colorado Boy Brewery.


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