Sunday, October 21, 2018

Carpe Diem

Get out of bed, 2 cups of coffee, one heaping tablespoon of peanut butter, go outside, hike-bike-climb-powerhike-powerhike with hand weights-run-walk-crawl, give thanks, go to bed...repeat till dead. 

Happy Birthday Jim


  1. Looks like perfect hiking conditions. And of course the scenery is magnificent as well as the company!

  2. That was such a fun hike, thanks for taking me along!

  3. No signs of fall on this day , other than the dark clouds and the long pants and jackets everyone was sporting. It would appear the monsoon made a strong showing of late, everything looked green & fresh, I bet the air smelled heavenly. What a great area to explore, it appears so inviting, man I wish I were there.

  4. That was another great hike in the Wonderland around us. I hope to keep “repeating until dead”!

  5. Is this along the West Rim? I remember the stone being much more white there. Oy vey, I miss this

    1. no...not the West Rim...more south and east. We'll take you there :)


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