Saturday, April 28, 2018

Adjusting the ole Seasonal Sail...

It's comforting in one's old age, to realize there's no such thing as a wrong turn when you don't know where you're going.

This week, all stretched out next to a warm hearth, paging through glorious God-smack photos from Camp Klondike, I was trying to figure out why, every year, I choose to weather storms of April in Eastern Utah. Maybe it's like childbirth, I imagine, how quickly one forgets the pain and suffering and blood, and proceeds to push yet another "watermelon" through a "straw." Being alone and pinned indoors by sandstorms from Hell really wasn't so bad, was it? There were some nice days in there...somewhere.

"Hell" hath many faces for quixotic weather wimps. There's always something to throw you off your game in April in Utah. But, just like with that sneaky lying cheating high school girlfriend, you keep getting back together.  

But the "sneaky/lying/cheating" girlfriend, er, wind, broke me this year. Thus I sit by the fire, patiently enduring a capricious Colorado canyon spring, with its tardy sunrises, premature sunsets, snow/wind/clouds, etc., etc..  
Ah, the life of a La Crevice dweller. 

While waiting for old Sol to clear Mount Sunblock and shed its ever-loving light on valley floor townies, I recall the recent good days...romping the fat-tire along single track nirvana, dropping sandstone ledges and taking in the snowcapped far views of eastern Utah. Don't get me wrong: notwithstanding April, Life is Good here in La Crevice. The weather always mends, at which time I'll flipflop and complain about the heat when sweating out Camp Bird Road or racing Leon up Log Hill on the fat tire. Like my Nephew D. says: It's all good... I would add to that, eventually.

In the meantime of nothingness, I thought I'd share my Sesame Street rationale regarding the Art of Adjusting one's Seasonal Sail via photographs of Utah. They're in my rearview mirror, now, a last glimpse of red rock glory, followed by homecoming, and the long, slow transition to life back in the San Juan Mountains...where wildflowers late-bloom in mid-July and early-wither in the waning days of August. Attitude is everything. Glass half full? Summer's brevity only adds to its sweetness. The goal is to get outside regardless of weather (like Bobbie), and to enjoy every freaking day...especially now, since they seem to have numbers on them. 
If you will excuse me, I need to go dig out my snowshoes...

It's like Einstein said, You can't blame everything on gravity. Bad weather does not excuse idleness. Remember, bad gas and bad weather always pass... 

Peace out,
mark and bobbie

Lots of Dinosaur tracks around Klondike!


    Just two kids having the time of their life.....and thanks for the beautiful pictures around the neighborhood
    See ya in September

  2. My favorite part of this post, besides the wonderful photos, was the first sentence, "It's comforting in one's old age, to realize there is no such thing as a wrong turn if you don't know where you're going."

    And no matter how many pictures I see it just always looks wrong to see you in shorts with your sleeves rolled up out in the snow :-)


  3. LOVE that header picture and the AMEN! Quote.
    Wonderful Utah photography wrapped around your 'right on' philosophic musings.
    I second the “eventually”.
    Mighty fine pics of you both in your element(s)

  4. What a difference a "few" miles makes! Too bad Colorado had such a late winter. But the snow does make for gorgeous photos. Love that photo of Bobbie heading into the red rock fins. The footprints are pristine:) It was a rough, windy April all over the country.

    1. Blowing and gusting here today...but at least it's not cold :)
      Glass Half Full Mark

  5. They say variety is the spice of life and you've got that in spades! Variety AND beauty. It's not possible to get bored in such environs.


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