Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Bidding Farewell To Off-Season In Lovely Ouray....

Bobbie and I managed to squeeze in a town-hike before wind, snow, and cold arrived. Thought you might enjoy seeing Lovely Ouray all dressed up in fall colors. Today is D-Day, thus, of course, we are hauling the last loads out to Goldie with temps in the teens. I'm dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, so burrrr!

We had a great summer filled with mountain explorations. Thanks to all who came along from living rooms around the world, and a special thanks to those who took the time and effort to comment...Motivational Fuel that keeps the BCB going.
Peace out,
mark and bobbie...


  1. Thank you for the wonderful tour!! I have kinfolks in Delta and Palisade and should go visit and see Ouray again.
    Don in Okla.

  2. I saw a picture of Red Mountain Brewery. Did that take over the Brewhaus location? How are the beers? Thanks and enjoy Utah. Maybe we will run into you in AZ in Feb/Mar?

    1. As a matter of fact you are correct. However their beer won’t be done brewing until November to December.

  3. Great photos of your town. I always enjoy the photos you post, as I know how much time that takes. The commentary ain't bad either ... I love it when bloggers speak their mind at times.

  4. thanks for tour I need an Ouray fix next summer!! working on details
    enjoy! walden creek rv! steve the beach guy

  5. As you pack up Goldie to head out, we are always winterizing our motorhome for storage. :(

    Thanks for helping us spend "all" of summer and fall in Ouray and look forward to your winter adventures! Safe travels!

  6. Ouray does look pretty all dressed in fall colors.
    Please don't bring the teens with you!

  7. So beautiful!! Your sky is so blue!!!

  8. You live in such a pretty little town! I bet it's as much of a pleasure to come home to as it is to leave when the weather starts to turn!

    Looking forward to a review of the beers at Red Mountain...eventually!

  9. I'm going to miss those Rocky Mountains. Thanks for taking us along. You two keep us motivated to get out and move even if it's freaking 90 degrees with a heat index of 102 in October!!

  10. Holy Crap man! Freakin Awesome! How about a picture of you and Goldie?

  11. Happy Trails!!! Ouray looks spectacular in her fall colors! Beautiful header:)

  12. It was good following your summer adventures and now there's the winter ones to look forward to. It takes time to compose, write and load pictures for the posts, but as you said you have followers from around the world, so thank you.

  13. Agree with everyone, thx for showing us Lovely Ouray, didn't realize there was so much old charm there with spectacular mountain backdrops. I was listening to Pavarotti's "Ava Maria" by chance while looking through your au'voir Ouray post, sort of like the perfect glass of sound with wonderful visuals on the plate :) very enjoyable.

  14. Gorgeous colors in Ouray, especially around the cool old houses!!! I hope that your travels are safe and fun!

  15. Such picturesque charm the houses in Ouray display. Thanks for sharing the photos of your stroll around town. Enjoy your adventures in Utah (less 3.2% beer) and looking forward to your hiking photos.

  16. Have to agree about the motivational fuel. I'm having some trouble of late. Ouray is definitely lovely.

  17. Thank you for the lovely fall tour! The colors were wonderful! Seeing the quakies in their glory had been on my bucket list when we started RVing and when it finally happened I cried like a baby! So beautiful...

    I always read but don't always comment. So many times it seems I would say what others say or don't know what to say or feel like keeping quiet. So there ya go! Happy wintering!

  18. While you were heading out to load Goldie, we were literally in the "Overlook" pool at the Hot Springs. When we got back to camp, we noticed your Goldie was no longer in its storage spot. We figured you were headed west.


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