Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tread Softly Upon My Dreams...

Bobbie and I are up early today, shoving food into backpacks, filling hydro-bags with water, wolfing down coffee. We are getting ready for an "Anniversary Hike" (31 years of marriage, preceded by 4 years of living in sin), an attempt on the summit of Mount Abram. Though warm lately, I can see from the deck that much snow lingers about its pyramidal peak. This attempt may prove to be premature; I guess we'll find out soon enough.

In the meantime, here's a quick photo-post from a Clear Lake hike that I threw together for the faithful. 

When we finally reach Clear Lake, however, it's anything but clear...

To Bobbie, the best hiking partner in the world:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams
I have spread my dreams under your feet
Tread softly... 
William Butler Yeats


  1. Such gorgeous, clear photos and happy anniversary!

  2. What a lovely tribute...both the pictures of a different hike and Yeats. Congratulations.

  3. Happy Anniversary. We just celebrated our fiftieth, but not in such beautiful surroundings as you. Great pics which leave me very envious, as usual.

  4. Happy anniversary and a good way to celebrate.

  5. When I look at your beautiful photos I remember the lung busting, heart hammering hiking we did in your neck of the woods...I cannot help but be in awe of your stamina to hike these mountains year after year...especially in the snow!

  6. Happy Anniversary to a couple who were definitely made for each other! No doubt you will summit Abrams today. Enjoy!

  7. Some "suitable for framing" shots here. And could there be a more perfect quote? Good luck on the "Anniversary of Abrams."

  8. Love the quote. As always, pictures are beautiful-on my phone--can't see them as they show on my computer. Will be back!😊

  9. Happy anniversary, to my Big Hunk!❤️

  10. We are in the middle of a heat wave here in N. Calif so we really appreciate the visions of Little Switzerland and surrounds.
    So there must be some truth to the old saying "a couple that plays together stays together" and you two are the Poster Couple. Congrats
    Stay thirsty my friends

  11. A romantic mountain man. Who knew? Great qoute. Great photos. We hope you made it to the top. If it could be done, you'd find a way. In the meantime, we keep getting thunderstorms here on the mountain at Flaming Gorge, screwing with my solar. I hate running the generator. Otherwise, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Like me, you have a great partner. We're lucky.

  12. What a beautiful anniversary hike! Congratulations!

  13. I thought I commented from my phone, but obviously something went wrong. When I was on the Durango Silverton RR last fall, the train stopped to pick up hikers. I've forgotten whether one of them told me or the conductor, but someone mentioned that the "Chicago Basin" had the most beautiful view in Colorado. I can't imagine anything more beautiful than what I've seen on your blog, but would love to hear your thoughts. I searched and couldn't find anything you've written about it.

    1. Yes, we took the train to the trailhead and camped up in Chicago Basin...the first time to climb three 14ers that rise above... Eolus, Windom, and Sunlight. Big masculine mountain goats up there. It is an amazing place, and to have three 14ers? Heaven.


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