Monday, January 16, 2017

Through The Looking Glass

We had a couple more hikes around Boulder City... in between blasts of wind and spurts of rain. 

As indifferent as the weather is around here this year, it seems to be as bad or worse in Phoenix and Tucson. I guess we'll hang out till things settle down. It's tolerable; I guess I'm anxious to be camping in my former backyard, amid majestic saguaros, gangly ocotillo, and aromatic creosote bush.

Campsite in a mostly deserted Lake Mead NRA Campground.
There is a paved bike path adjacent to the campground. I wanted to reprise a bike ride Bobbie and I took a couple of years ago, a 35 mile loop from camp around Boulder City's local mountain range to North Henderson, then back over Casino Pass, and to camp... all paved. Hopefully the weather will clear up enough to get that ride in. 

We happened by several Desert Big Horn rams grazing while hiking the bike path...   

Neon Bobbie taking her hand weights for a walk

What skinny front legs they have....

Then a few other desert critters, larger than life and scattered amid a most gorgeous rock garden. 

With the weekend's NFL games coming up, we moved to Government Wash, a Boondock where there was decent TV reception from Vegas.Thanks to a tip from Gayle-gone-quiet last year, we had another pleasant hike in nearby "Bowl of Fire" before the game yesterday... a spectacular volcanic display of all my favorite Crayon colors, orange and red, with hints of lavender. Stay tuned.


  1. Sure is a change of scenery from all the snow! Those rocks are amazing!

  2. With our month of never ending hiking, we didn't do this bike path...darn! Next time! Love those desert creatures:) The Big Horn are spectacular...magnificent horns:)

  3. Mid 60s and sun the next couple days here, then the rain returns and another cool-down. It's been a wet winter around Phoenix.
    I always go silent while we're in one place for so long. We've been really busy but not much is blog-worthy.

  4. Yes, Tucson is getting nice for 3 or 4 days, then the rain returns and temperatures drop again. I really do want my snowbird refund for this weather! Boulder City looks nice.

  5. Wondering who is responsible for that crazy animal rock garden. What fun! Walking your hand weights...Bobbie makes us all look bad.

    1. The rock garden is part of Bootlegger Park (hike and bike trails) on the mountains above Boulder City. Yeah... Bobbie walks her hand weights instead of a dog :))

  6. Interesting rock garden, wonderful photos, and the bike path is definitely something we would enjoy. (Your blog post title is perfect!) Thanks for showing us a place we didn't know about. Going on the list.....

  7. At first glance I wondered how you got that that hare to sit still. 35 miles on a mountain bike is a healthy challenge but you have all those flying monkeys under your belt.

  8. Wow, love the colors in the well as all the interesting creatures.

  9. Our weather in Congress has been very cool and rainy--loved your first photo--I thought for sure that rabbit was real!


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