Saturday, December 17, 2016

Frozen Chestnuts Thawing By A Fire...

Every rainbow requires a storm, 
every silver lining needs a cloud...

And every blizzard an Ergonomic Snow Shovel.
This storm was a doozie... 

 Fond sunny memories and a warm hearth will see me through...


  1. Shorts and sandals to shovel snow! Bet that did have you thinking of fondly of sunny warm days.

  2. The shorts and crocs are a nice touch.


  3. I think I would find a way to attach a hose to the hot water faucet...

  4. Dam Mark, Im sitting here next to the fire place trying to keep warm and then you post shots like these, well it's a good thing I bought some ColdPruf base layer thermals at Murdocks in Oct. You know you have reach Old Geezerhood when just looking at some dude shoveling snow in knee high shorts makes you shiver. That's not from one snow event cause if it is there should be some awesome scenes around town this holiday season ,if you can get around town.
    Ok, gotta go get another Tom & Jerry w/a double shot
    Stay Warm

  5. Mark, just wondering - do you own any full length pants?

  6. The shorts I understand. Shoveling heats one up. But the Crocs??? I would think they would be very slippery with the rubber bottoms. But then maybe you had some crampons on the bottom...haha:)

  7. That's a wicked bunch of snow but I like your shoveling style! Happy Holidays.

  8. 8 degrees below zero this Sunday morn... or is it "mourn?"
    Uniform of the day for shoveling an additional 6 to 8 inches of powder? Long Underwear and Carhart Coveralls!
    Box Canyon Mark... Frozen Chestnuts and all.

    1. In order to be considered a full disclosure of truthiness, the blog needs a picture of the coveralls...

  9. Mark, it's in the 20's in TN this morning with sleet. We left Rochester, New York because we got sick of all the snow. Glad that you are the one dealing with it. Beautiful rainbow pictures.- Mary Lou

  10. Well, this past Thursday we got 24" in 24 hours, plus another 10" both Wed. and Friday nights. So I don't feel very sorry for you! But I enjoy your blog!

  11. Frigid here this morning, (Michigan) but will warm up midweek to freezing. Why are you shoveling in shorts? Makes me shiver just looking at the photos. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas in such a beautiful (though cold and snowy) place. Here's to 2017 being extra special!

  12. Did you still have the bare feet and crocs on with your Carhart coveralls? Chris has been known to wear his Crocs out shoveling snow close to the house but they don't go out farther to the barns. :)

  13. If Trumo is the cloud, where is the silver lining? NB.: Stunning pics Mr. Johnson!

  14. No wonder your chestnuts are frozen.


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