Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Last Dance

Yesterday, in snow and freezing rain, Bobbie and I had our last dance with Southwest Utah. This morning we are packing up in the cold; a layer of ice covers everything outside, our bikes, lawn chairs, hoses, and cords. Surrounding mountains and mesas are white with snow. I'm stalling...

A couple of weeks ago Suzanne mentioned she enjoyed a trail into The Patriarchs. There’s a trail? Huh, and here I thought we had done every hike in Zion’s main corridor; evidently not. Bobbie and I layered up for the elements and headed off to find a park smothered in clouds and nearly free of people.

Another "dot" connected. Now it's Col-o-ra-do here we come.



  1. Just a little taste of what you have in store for the next couple months in Ouray!

  2. Wow! Looks a lot different without that cobalt blue sky and golden cottonwoods. Equally beautiful in the mist and flurries. Hopefully you found that path up and out of the sand.

  3. And you mentioned our lagging a bit late in the season to be in Moab. Where you were looks muy frio my friend. Although it's getting cooler here, at least we have sunshine.

  4. Safe travels. Is there really less snow and more warmth there?

  5. Time to put the shorts away. Always fun the first snowfall, sticking your tongue out and trying to taste winter.

  6. Something mysteriously beautiful in these photos. I was really drawn to each of these photos. Just gorgeous:)

  7. Just in time, to return to winter. No thanks.

  8. Enjoyed your photos. Hope you have safe travels. Mary Lou

  9. Zion canyon looks a lot different than it did 6 weeks ago! The upside of that weather would be that the crowds have thinned out. Stay warm in Ouray, and I like the new header photo.

  10. Those last dances are the ones that leave you thirsty for the next one. I can hear the silence and feel the cold in these pictures, but also it is apparent that you both have a long-lasting love affair with this beautiful place with many more dances to come. Imkelina

  11. The upside of your leaving one beautiful place is that you get to go home to another beautiful place! Not exactly a miserable situation. Hope all goes well on your trip from one world to the other, and that you have some enjoyable times at home.

  12. Pretty gloomy weather now. Better heading home for the warming stove.

  13. Mark we find the four Seasons only add to the awesome beauty of Nature and your pictures prove that. However it's in the experiencing of these changes that fill your Spirit with wonder and make living so meaningful.
    Hope you made it home before the fifteen inches fell on Monday. We had pictures of it from several friends there and it too looked AWESOME, a Little Switzerland. Put the fondue pot on and open a bottle of wine.

    Sonoma County guys


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