Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Last Dance

Yesterday, in snow and freezing rain, Bobbie and I had our last dance with Southwest Utah. This morning we are packing up in the cold; a layer of ice covers everything outside, our bikes, lawn chairs, hoses, and cords. Surrounding mountains and mesas are white with snow. I'm stalling...

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Subway Concluded... and A Few Thoughts on Solitude

Difficult as it was, we took the easy route to The Subway. There is also a top-down hike from Kolob Terrace, where one gets to experience the entire slot canyon... all the way to the surreal "tube." The "catch" is that it requires climbing harnesses, ropes, wet suits, and training, not to mention a near dawn to dusk effort. The past couple of years I've thrown the "bait" out that maybe our gang of geezers should try it, only to be answered with scrunched faces and a polite, "No thanks." This year, however, I had a few "nibbles." 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Baptism and Fatalism... "A Separate Peace"

The mark of true friends is that they don't require an explanation. However... 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Confession, good for the soul of an Addict

The sun did come up after all, so a few members of "The Gang" went in search of a little Slot Canyon Solace yesterday, an attempt to put the election behind us, renew spirits, hopes, dreams... directions.