Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Troll Under the Bridge... A Hike around Lovely Ouray's newly extended Perimeter Trail, then a Pastel Painting update

Ouray's Perimeter Trail was recently extended, complete with a new bridge over Oak Creek and a resident troll living underneath.

Spoiled rotten view snobs, Bobbie and I (more me than her) are sometimes guilty of taking Ouray's "amenities" for granted. I whine about spring snows and short summers, but that's more of a relief valve. In the end, we are both fortunate to have so many recreational options within walking distance... hiking, Hot Springs, laps at the pool, fine breweries and dining... views! 

Pushing 7 miles, the newly extended Perimeter Trail now tops the list... a grand circle of woods, rivers, and waterfalls that encompasses Lovely Ouray and can be done in about three hours.   

The New Bridge!

Twinkle the Troll

On another more artistic note, I'm down to the final tweaking my canyon pastel. The water reflections proved more difficult than I expected (sigh). 

Painting is stressful. So we sought relief at the Colorado Boy Brewery after class. 


  1. I think you did well with the pastel. The difficult parts are always the most satisfying even when not done quite to the level that you might aspire to.

  2. We just might take up painting if a brewery stop follows class! I think your pastel looks good.
    Who is responsible for the troll? Not something you'd expect to see along the trail.

  3. I think your first effort at "water" is outstanding. But, like I said, I know almost nothing about art. I just like what I see. And I like it. As for the beer, I'll have what he's having.

    Down to our last 8 days.

  4. Love the troll...and that the Perimeter trail has been extended!

    I think your pastel is wonderful!

  5. Beautiful bridge! Not an easy thing to build. Love the troll:) Cute idea. Your painting is very good...nice job:)

  6. Perimeter Trail is now on the list for our next visit...thanks Mark.

  7. Perimeter Trail is and has been on our Ouray bucket list for whenever we head that way. Is that vague enough for you? It looks so beautiful.

    Love the troll. Someone has a good sense of humor.

    Great job on the art. Don't be so hard on yourself, it's looking good.

  8. Beautiful views of Ouray from the Perimeter trail! Looking forward to hiking it in July.

  9. Yes you are spoiled rotten. We go to Ouray about once or twice a year and just LOVE it. You have no idea how much others envy you for living there all the time!!!!! I bet Yankee Boy Basin is going to be beautiful very soon and I won't be able to go this year. I love where I live as well..........the East side of Sandia Crest in the trees but not far from Albuquerque........I can hike out my door and be in a ski area or on top of the crest in 17 miles but Ouray is so green and lush.

  10. looks like daily hike to me! Walden creek rv steve

  11. LOVE that header photo!! All bridges need trolls methinks.


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