Thursday, June 2, 2016

Pretty Rocks

This morning I thumbed through some "selected locales" on my iPhone's weather app, places we frequent or have an interest in. I was a little shocked by the forecasted highs when I landed on "Phoenix:" Friday: 115—Saturday, 118—Sunday, 117—Monday, 113. And it's only the second day in June. I can't imagine working or playing outside when it's that hot, yet a good percentage of retirees live there year round. Why? 

Meanwhile, Lovely Ouray's temps will range in the mid 70's this week. Ahhhh, crisp, clear mornings, balmy afternoons, and starry, starry nights. Runoff from snowmelt should have streams and rivers surging, finally!

Yesterday Bobbie and I hiked from home, caught the Perimeter Trail where it takes off 5th on the upper side of town. We jumped on the Chief Ouray Mine Trail near the Amphitheater Campground, hoping snow was gone from the north facing section toward the top. It's a wonderful hike to do this time of year before it gets too hot as most of the switchback climb is on the south facing side in direct sun. 

After 13 long switchbacks, the trail levels off and meanders along brilliantly colored cliffs. Ouray is visible in spots, though cast in miniature some couple thousand feet below. We didn't get around to hiking this trail last year so it was a fun way to stretch sore legs and empty cluttered minds. 

Come along, as we start from town...  

Here comes a shower... 


  1. What a wonderful hike and amazing scenery.

  2. In spite of the fact that I spent a good bit of my summer in Lovely Ouray last year, I still can't believe you live within walking distance of such a magnificent place. Even after seeing it with my own eyes. Magnificent.

  3. Great photo! Thanks for the share, love reading you blog.

  4. They're forecasting 59 for the high today at South Beach Campground which is why I'm not in Mesa. Should see mid 70's for the weekend. Unfortunately, we'll be home shortly after the 4th of July so there will be lots of heat left. :-(

  5. we have always wondered what the Chief Ouray mine trail was like after hearing about it for so long it was a real surprise when we logged on today and there you go again up those trials, you two are like mt.goats, can't believe you do this day after day. Again would have loved to hike this one. The BCB is our go to viewing pleasure while ensconce in our temporary apartment in Santa Rosa where it was 87 today, had to have the AC on, hope we can afford to keep our plans to visit the big O in Oct. ha.
    From Santa Rosa
    ...better hit the Hot Springs tomorrow and rest a day

  6. Looks marvelous and a whole lot better than the idiots headed down into Grand Canyon where it was 111F yesterday. Even the North Rim felt hot at 84.

  7. I'm trying to get out of Mesa! Yeah, this heat is slowing me down for sure.


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