Monday, April 4, 2016

In The News: Thorn-Bush Attacks Biker, Trump to "Nuke" North Korea...

Or was it the other way around? It could take some time for the authorities to sort out who attacked whom, but in the meantime both Bush and Biker are said to be resting comfortably.

Dateline, April 1, 2016, Trump Tower: In other news, Donald Trump revealed his plan on how he would contain "that bad maniac What's-his-name North Korean dictator" with a preemptive nuclear strike. Asked about civilian casualties and radiation fallout over our allies South Korea and Japan, Trump said he would first evacuate as many "good people" as possible under cover of darkness the night before. "What's-his-name's citizens should have taken up arms and overthrown their bad leader years ago." 

Meanwhile, out in the middle of Red Rock country, life goes on. I'm having difficulty with photo uploads to Blogger... most are blurry on the post, but if you double click on the first photo and view them in the album they are as crisp and sharp as the originals. Don't know what's going on... 
Happy April, fools :)


  1. T-Rump also wants Japan and S.Korea AND the Arab world to be armed with their own nukes, so they can defend themselves without the help of America the Great.

  2. Why are there so many Bobbie butt pictures? Oh...THAT's why.
    Go TRUMP!

  3. Gotta watch out for them thron bushes they can be mean.

  4. Hi, Mark,

    Some pretty outrageous allegations against Mr. Trump. Could you and your readers provide links to sources for this information please? I've done a lot of research and have never seen anything like this. btw, CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC, ETC. are not reliable sources.



    1. There are references to his comments about Japan and S. Korea on numerous sites such as CNN, CBS and I would suspect everywhere. Here is one.

      And more detail of the actual conversation here.

      Have fun.


    2. Did Bobbie bleed? Will she ever be able to paint again?


    3. I saw him say those exact words during an interview shown on a NBC news clip it was during an interview On Tuesday night, during a televised town hall,with CNN's Anderson Cooper . Trumpis more dangerous than whats his name!

  5. I thought my Hint was obvious, but here it is again, dateline April 1, 2016.

  6. Ouch, poor Bobbie! I love the way you got out the camera instead of running to her rescue ;-) Or was that a staged fall for April Fool's?

    1. The crash was for real! Reminded me of Jim's crash on Guacamole... only he landed on a boulder, on his back, still clipped in to the pedals, bike on top. I thought he was a dead man... but he shook it off and rode on, as did Bobbie :)

  7. Jim and Sondra point out the obvious... that the inspiration for this over-the-top exaggerated post is not over-the-top at all, that it's scarcely a "stretch." This kind of rhetoric comes out of Trump's mouth almost every time he opens it. And that the Republican proletariat stands up and cheers... and his ratings climb. How desperate are you to risk so much for "change?" The reality is upon us, we know by now who Trump is, we know his personality, we know he is vastly under informed, and thus under qualified to be the Republican nominee... much less the President of the United States of America. I thought he would implode. It's not happening... It's no longer a humorous diversion... it's serious. This Man, Trump, if nominated, a guy whose favorite, if not only, adjectives are "good," and "bad," will forever tarnish the perceived intellect and wisdom of the Grand Ole' Party.
    Look, it's not that Trump is dumb or uneducated or unsuccessful... it's that he is too ignorant for the job of President. He has no experience outside the business world, where he who wields the biggest hammer wins.
    I want the Beltway "Fraternity" establishment to be ousted as much as the next fiscal conservative republican, but Trump is not the right choice to vent our frustration at DC dysfunction. He is DANGEROUSLY inarticulate, impulsive, and ego-driven.
    Lord, I tried to write something so outrageous that the irony would be obvious. Apparently, I did not go far enough.

    1. Well said!! The man is seriously dangerous.

  8. And your current President is not "dangerous"? Believe me, those supporting Trump are not "desperate" for "change". It would appear that the last 7+ years has given us enough "change". We don't need any more change. We just need respect for the Constitution and the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of government and the roles they rightfully have. We certainly DON'T need a use of the agencies of government to further agendas or to get back at political enemies. We also need a President who is willing to obey the law. Or a wannabe President who uses a secure and encrypted government server for all email while holding a cabinet level position...or any government position, Particularly when our nation's security is at risk. And don't get me started on cover-ups.

    Jus say'n.

    And at this point, we're well into violating the axiom of not talking about religion or politics. This thread is on the verge of falling off the Klondike. :)

  9. Great blog post. Great pictures. Thought provoking. Thank you Mark.

  10. Ouch!! All I can think about is getting home and drinking a beer to soothe all that hurt. And thank goodness I'm not eligible to vote so that I don't have to think about politics in any shape or form. Beer it is.... :)



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