Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Day 36

It's hard to believe I've been in Kamp Klondike 36 days. But then again, why leave? 

Bobbie commutes back and forth from home in Lovely Ouray, which, as far as I'm concerned, is not so lovely during what always feels like a protracted "mud season." Spring in The Crevice is a reluctant SOB... a recalcitrant child that is content to dawdle in mucky puddles of melted snow when I'm beyond ready to lie down in green pastures wearing flip-flops and shorts. 

Don't get me wrong, it can be less than perfect here in Kamp Klondike. I have wind instead of mud to deal with, but it's 20 some degrees warmer and it suits my wardrobe most of the time, as well as my new preference for getting around...  on a Fat Tired Mountain Bike. It is a convenient compromise. 

A couple of weeks ago Bobbie and I hiked to the nearby "loaves and Bobbleheads" in West Arches, from which my current camp is a mere stone's throw. Ok, maybe if you're "Nolan Ryan." 

I'm still trying to figure out why Post Photos are less sharp. Apple continues to follow the money and focus on their stupid iPhone, slowly moving away from all the "artistic" apps that drew me, and I suspect most other customers, to them in the first place. I mean, why else would one pay double for a laptop?  So now iPhoto has been replaced with something less friendly and the new app doesn't seem to "jive" with Blogger as well as the old one did. If you want to see the crisp version of BCB's photos, double click on any photo and it will open Blogger's album viewer. It, for some reason only known to Geeks and Bobbleheads, works just fine.

This one's for Gayle, "Trust your shoes."

What's next, "No Peeing?"


  1. My stomach is doing flip-flops just looking at that photos of Bobbie! Don't think I could have trusted my shoes on that one. So was it as bad as it looks?

  2. I'm thinking (on less than 1 cup of coffee this morning to allow for that) that the blurriness of the photos, which I don't see, is because they take them down in resolution so that the blog server doesn't have to work as hard. The larger photos are still at high(er) resolution in the album server, so they are clearer. This would only be noticed by you perfectionist artiste types.

    1. That's good to know, Shadowmoss, that you don't see the blurriness I'm seeing. And it does make sense that the post photos resolution would be reduced for faster loading... it's just that I've always had sharp photos before. I'm wondering if anyone else would care to tell me if they notice photos on the post page to be less sharp than normal???
      Also, I'm tethered to a cell tower that gets bogged down with traffic... and wonder if clarity is related to that?
      And, I believe "Anal" is the word you were kind enough to tiptoe around when it comes to "perfectionist artiste types" :)
      Thanks, Box Canyon Mark

  3. Your post pics are as sharp as my eyes can see so they are perfect for me.

  4. I am glad you mentioned the blurriness in blog photos anymore. I have said the same thing on my blog in the past few months, multiple times. At first I thought it was my camera lens. Then I thought it was my eyes. So as a test I started a 2nd free blog on Wordpress. It confirmed what I found out in January when I tried Wordpress and then moved my main blog back to Blogger ... the photos on WP were sharp and clearer. Readers could tell a difference.

    I'm blogging from an iMac or my MacBook Air here in the sticks n bricks and see the same blurriness on my blog posts as you do in yours.

    So we are not seeing things ... lol ... it's real.

    1. Well shit. Are you using iPhoto or the new mac photo app?
      The discrepancy is that I see other Blogger blogs and their photos seem as sharp as ever... like over at Whinnie Views on my sidebar.
      I dunno, and you can't get a "person" at Blogger to explain or help...
      Thanks for your input.

    2. Here is my photo process.

      1. ScanDisk card to new Mac Photos (hate it)
      2. Edit photos in the new Mac Photos
      3. Export chosen photos to my "picture" folder on hard drive
      4. Go to Blogger and import photos into blog from that folder on my computer.

  5. I only notice the blurriness on a small number of the photos...for example, the second one, #8222. The majority show the same crispness in the blog as they do by clicking on them.

    This happens to me often when I am loading photos on a slow internet connection. Exact same scenario. They are blurry on the blog, but if I click, they appear crisp. The way I resolve this is by deleting and uploading the photo a second time, which usually will resolve it. So it will be interesting to see if you experience the same once you are within range of a stronger signal.

    Incredible photos of SpiderBobbie, BTW...

  6. You let your wife clamber along that sloping rock? (header pic) That looks dangerous. And btw. mine would not even have allowed ME to go there.

  7. I can totally understand why you would spend 36 days in that spot, "why leave" indeed.

  8. Really beautiful and scary looking. I have never had shoes I can trust. What brand do you recommend?

    1. When hiking sandstone or any kind of rock that is dry and has a rough or etched surface "sneaker" type shoes with soft, flexible soles as well as tops works better than hiking boots, especially hightops which generally have harder rubber. REI and Merrill have some decently priced hiking shoes, but I have a cheap pair of Sketchers with a grip like Arnold Swhat's-his-name. Having U-joints for ankles helps too, so you can "smear" the entire surface of the sole on the rock :)

  9. your pictures still looking good! walden creek rv steve

  10. This is an area that has nonstop fun at every turn! The slickrock does make one take a lot of chances in hope our boots do what they are suppose to do:)

  11. Great pictures. It is so much fun hiking with a good pair of gripping sneakers. Walking amazing angles and steep slopes become second nature.

  12. I think Bobbie has been watching the mountain goats climb. All your pictures look sharp on my IPad.


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