Friday, March 25, 2016

Fat Boy and Slim Bike Loop the Sovereign Trail

It took a while to warm up yesterday, enough for a bike ride, anyway. But it was time; what's it been, three days? So I jump now to near present time, skipping over several foot adventures near camp, not to mention a daunting trip into town during Jeep Safari Week. Moab has become the proverbial "phone booth," or "Volkswagen," take your pick, into which the "Chamber of Commercers" has decided to see how many tourists can be wedged inside without killing an innocent child or maiming a senescent geezer.
My intension is to take some slack out of the "rope" of hit and miss BCB posts over this past winter, as well as here, due east of Moab International Airport. However, the road to hell is paved with that crap, so we will see. 

I'm reminded of Deepak Chopra, while listening in on one of Bobbie's Meditation CDs. The goal for many (and I'm paraphrasing here) is to live as long as possible, but they miss out on the true purpose of life.  It is Quality, not Quantity, that sets us free. Quality and Quantity are the "oil and water" of our baneful, life-in-the-fast-lane existence. They resist amalgamation. A true solution there will never be, and they are, to some extent some would say, mutually exclusive. You can have one, or the other, but rare is it that you will succeed in claiming both. 

Not being able to affect to any great degree the quantity of our lives, should we not focus more on quality? Remind me, please, that less is often more. Shorter posts, plus thoughtful content, equals better blog. Maybe that even applies to photos. Ouch.

For an in-depth analysis of "Quality," in case you've lost sight of what it is, reread (wade through) "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." 


  1. I love your pictures of places I used to be able to go. They are wonderful.

  2. Hey Mark, I am hoping you will go back and do a post or two from some of the places you went with or without us during this winter of our discontent ;-)

  3. Hoping to be out in that same part of the country soon. My solar arrived today amidst a snowstorm. :)

  4. Sonoma Co.Guys
    It has always been "Quality" of Life for us and that means as much of Nature and the Great Outdoors with lots of traveling thrown in over that other option. I might add also being the best neighbor, Uncle, animal lover and compassionate human being towards all people. Funny how that last characteristic brings so much satisfaction.
    Have enjoyed seeing these areas of Utah from a true outdoorsman during this slightly different month of March .

    The new bike, the new MacPro and the set of new tires are just essentials for this moment of time in your life.

    The news from our little abode is pretty "hair raising" and I will have to send it in a separate e-mail.

    Friends in Ouray are e-mailing to say they are having those beautiful Spring snow events which are one of our favorite sights in the San Juans, wish we there.
    Stay thirsty my friends

  5.'s Easter Jeep Safari and I can only imagine how crowded it is.

    Beautiful pictures as always Mark of my favorite place to call home...

  6. What a great area for riding the trails.

  7. Mark,
    Nice pictures of your adventure. We enjoy that region of the country in the fall time. It's a great place. Have fun.

  8. Love the photos of your adventures, especially that new bike. Now, to learn from you about "quantity" vs "quality". Not sure I manage either one when I am hanging around the "homes" planning sales and doing yard work. Maybe I'll make a post today that will be a little of each. I haven't managed to write much, thinking "travel" is the focus of the blog. Ahh of red rock put me in a pensive mood, waiting for fall. Instead I return to raking leaves and pine needles at two houses! We are trying hard to get that "quality vs quantity" thing down when it comes to houses too! Rocky Point on the market very soon!


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