Sunday, January 31, 2016

We Are But Dust In A Restless Wind

The wayward wind is a restless wind 
A restless wind that yearns to wander 
And he was born the next of kin 
The next of kin to the wayward wind…

We are boondocked on the banks of the wild and mighty Colorado River. You'd think that would be a good thing, right? But around here the Colorado has been tamed, diverted into tentacle-like canals that irrigate all those fruits and veggies that magically appear in supermarkets all across Amerika. And then there is the dust storm, raging out Goldie's Imax Windows, obliterating water, mountains, and mood. My Arizona Mama said there'd be days like this. Lord knows how many desert dust storms she endured in a trailer. I remember a few; those "jalousie windows" are no match for when the wind blows across arid lands. It could have been all those dusty miles driven to and from Dad and Mom's church on the Pima Indian Reservation's that caused me to come down with "Valley Fever" when I was about 5 years old. Too weak to pedal my tricycle, as I remember. 

You already know I'm a restless kind of guy, even on the best of days high in the mountains and surrounded by wildflowers. So it shouldn't surprise you in the least that, given our Hardscrabble, dust in the wind, Lord-have-mercy boondock north of "YuMa'st Be Kiddin," I'm a tad antsy to move on. The Weather Guessers are predicting 60, oh wait, now revised to 75 mph winds (thank you forward scout Chris) for Anza Borrego. So here we have sat, still sit, and will continue to sit till at least tuesday morning, waiting for this blast to show and blow itself through (insert finger drumroll on table here). I just hope Anza Borrego is worth this desolate camp. 

Thanks to recreational guidance from Little Adventurers Jim and Gayle, we've made the best of it… right up to and including this mornings pre-storm bike ride. However, I do believe we've see enough hardscrabble to last us for a long while. In a way this kind of place reminds me of West Texas. I can't help but wonder why anyone would choose to live here, you know, given freedom of choice and all…  

Here's a few photos. More to come, including the dust storm.    


  1. I read Jim and Gayle's account of your days near Yuma. Hopefully you are still attached to the ground in Goldie. We are fine here in Desert Hot Springs, and those 75 mph winds they predicted for us this evening have yet to materialize. Last night was pretty rough though. When you have Colorado, and Utah, and Zion and is kind of hard to really appreciate the most southern California deserts. I felt that way yesterday driving through the Imperial Valley. Just close your eyes, Mark, on the way to Anza.

  2. Crazy windy here in Q along with thunder, lightening and rain. Looks like wind for the next few days here. I missed the Bloggerfest last week, I would have loved to meet you and some others.

  3. Sure hope those winds don't materialize for you. We are only expecting gusts to 40. Guess we are lucky here in Tucson. You have to remember, Mark, that Anza Borrego SP covers a lot of area and a high clearance four wheel drive vehicle is needed for many places. Keep an open mind:) If you are going to head up Ghost Mountain to see Marshal South's place, make sure you stop at the Visitor Center ask to see the video first. It is the family story with actual video of the South's and their home on the mountain. Makes the visit more meaningful. Have a great time!!!

  4. You guys have been troopers to hang out so long in Yuma! Unlike you, as 7 year fulltime RVers we can find beauty and contentment almost anywhere. Maybe you just aren't drinking enough beer;-)

  5. We are weathering the wind and rain here in Quartzsite then be heading south and west from here in a few days, gott move. Enjoy Borrego Springs area.

  6. Ground looks a little flat around there for you two, plus there's a lack of color. Anza is nice.

  7. Sharon and I are betting you will not be happy with Anza Borrego. It's not Sonoran Desert. It's just desert in the driest sense. Much of its beauty comes in the spring. You won't be there in the spring. Our first ever visit was this past December. We liked it a 6 on a scale of 10.

  8. Like you, I often wonder why people choose to live in some of the hardscrabble, desolate, apparently God-forsaken places we pass though. I'm always grateful that we're just passing through. I can find something interesting most anywhere, but I don't necessarily want to spend my precious life digging for it. Don't miss Ghost Mountain -- if you have the time in the midst of your dust storms, you might enjoy this:

  9. Hopefully you can move on tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing pictures of a dust storm...from the comfort of Michigan where we are not having a dust storm. Or snow for that matter. Was very warm here today and yesterday. Strange weather all over. Safe travels tomorrow.


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