Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Uncommon Beauty

Our minds are like our stomaches; they are whetted by the change of food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetiteQuintilian

Perhaps there are a few readers who remember Dehui Yang. If not here is a refresher post from summer of 2014 when Bobbie and I guided him up to Ice Lake, one of the prettiest places on God's green earth, even when it's cloudy :(.

I won't go to great lengths reintroducing Dehui (Do-WHEY), how he came to the USA, why he's here and so on. It's all in the refresher post. Suffice it to say that we enjoyed our hike and time together and have kept in contact.  

Dehui is a busy young man, trying to finish up his Doctorate in Electrical Engineering at School of Mines in Golden, Colorado—with an emphasis in communications. He had a few days off between Christmas and New Years and wanted to see Lovely Ouray in wintertime, maybe go snowshoeing and take a few snow-hikes. So of course we were excited to see him again and oblige his interests.

Dehui fell in love with this area the last time he was here. He appreciates the rugged beauty of the San Juan Mountains and how easy it is to enjoy them alone, as opposed to the mountains near the megapolis of Denver and the front range.

On our first outing Dehui rented snowshoes so we could access some of the backcountry mining camps near Red Mountain Pass. Weather cooperated, so we had a fine day for photography and outdoor exercise. I love how the old Yankee Girl Mine-head "pops" against winter snow… a real "calendar shot."

This past summer we took Jim, Gayle, Chris and Debbie for a hike up in the same area… an interesting contrast in "seasons."

Not to belabor the point, but as in photography, playing in snow adds variety, contrast, and a different perspective to our journeys. I know there will always be some who can do without it; maybe they grew up in Maine or New York or someplace where they had had enough, and swore that if they ever got the chance to move to Florida or someplace warm they'd jump on it. 

To be honest, I had a hard time making in through the entirety of Ouray's winters back in my working days. But 4 to 6 weeks of snow play around the Holidays feels right. Not every day is sunny and nice. During stormy, blizzard blowing times I pull the exercise bike up to the Imax Windows, grab a good book, and let Bobbie suffer the slings and arrows of foul weather by herself. I'm not near as tough as she is, and I don't mind admitting to it in public. :))

The essence of a beautiful "journey" oft lies in the variety of people and places it brings to one's life. There is a viable uptick in awareness when one encounters the unexpected, the unusual, the uncommon. Perhaps it is good for the mind and soul to step out of the realm of "predictable" and take a little walk on the "wild side." :)

Our playtime here is almost done. A few more snow hikes and snowshoe trips on Red and we'll head down to Hurricane, Utah to bail Goldie out of "jail." I'd like to shake up our routine a little this time. Not sure what that means yet; part of the fun is in not knowing. :) 

Peace Out from Lovely Ouray,


  1. Great pictures as always and its fantastic to have the stark contrasts between the seasons, compared to here, where we just tend to get a different type of rain. But too much of one thing and you can tire of it. Looking forward to following your adventures once you're on the road again.

  2. I remember Dehui! You meet so many interesting people through your traveling and blog.

  3. Looks like a completely different place covered in snow! How nice that Dehui got to experience it with you two as guides.
    Hope the shake-up in your routine is someplace we also want to go ;-)

  4. I do like seeing the contrast of seasons, the winter ones best in your excellent photos. Some snow in Kanab but Hurricane was snow free on Sunday.

  5. I do remember Dehui and the beautiful first hike you had...
    Lovely Ouray is lovely in all seasons. It would be very difficult to pick a favorite time of year...

  6. Is Dehui the same individual that presented you with a custom photo album, maybe last Christmas? Seems that individual went to the School of Mines.

    See you in Arizona? Send me an email or text. We'll come to you. We'll bring scrap cookies from Mouse's.:)

  7. I love the beautiful contrasts of your winter scenery. The mine shaft colors are stunning. Can't wait to see where your journey takes you on your winter trek.

  8. Mark= this is one of my fav posts the contrast is well done-- BUT if you also put in beach pictures it would add to the contrast! I do have the love of the snow scenes but mine is more like 2 days- 3 tops! heh- you spend all day delivering mail in 60 mile wind chill in Wisc in January- it would change your outlook of winter.enjoy walden creek rv steve

  9. I will do some snowshoeing one day!! I really have the need to try hiking in the snow on bright sunny day. John, being from Erie, PA, has NO desire to ever be in the snow again. I am working on changing that:)

    How nice that Dehui was able to return to hike in a different season:)

    Love your summer/winter contrast photos:) The winter photos are magnificent. Thanks for adding so many. I never tire of your photos:)

  10. This is amazing places! The landscape...i love it!


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