Saturday, January 16, 2016

Parting Shots

Though you can't tell by today's photos, my wardrobe is much the same. However, we traded Cold, Snow, Altitude and 2000 square feet, for (eventual) Warmth, Sun, Sea Level and 200 square feet. Yes, in the vernacular of Canned Heat, we are "back on the road again" in our "Magic Bus."

We've crossed the Water Pocket Fold and high deserts of Utah many times in January but I can't remember it ever being so monochromatic as Wednesday. Monotonous White doesn't flatter the normally colorful Bee Hive state; It was all I could do to stay awake.

We found Goldie at the "impound." She was a good 30 degrees colder inside than when we left her December 1st. She looked a little lonely tucked way back in the corner of 40 acres of nuts to butts RVs, boats, and junk cars. Bobbie posted bail and we set about transferring food and clothes from Sue Bee. After loading mountain bikes, we ended up at Snow Canyon for the night. The sun was out enough to take a walk, but a stiff breeze chilled the air to a "feels like" 35 degrees. WTF?

A couple more posts of snow fun from Colorado and then back to real time. :)  Hopefully, a real good time! 
The following photos are from a day spent on Red Mountain… snowshoeing with Bruce, Tamara, and their dog Aspen up on County Road 31… except for the first one, anyway. Turn up the heat, it's about to cool down… 

Bobbie's in a hell of a mess :)



  1. Happy to see Bobbie got out of the snow. I have never been in the presence of snow that deep, and I think I am OK with that. Yep, very OK. Gorgeous photography, as always.

  2. Beautiful photos of the high country. I can relate to the photo of Bobbie, having done the same more than once. :)

    Snowing here in Glenwood. I almost went to AZ but it looked too cold down there. Here I have a house, there, iI would be camping in a tent. Next year, I'm going for sure, tent or whatever.

    Enjoy the warmth and dirt - I miss the dirt - it disappeared a few months ago. :))

  3. Beautiful photos!! Love the one of Bobbie and Aspen from the back:) Aspen sure was having a great time. Poor Bobbie sure was in a mess!

  4. I'm going to miss your snow play...but I bet you aren't!!!


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