Sunday, November 8, 2015

East Rim to Weeping Rock; "Who's Cryin' Now…"

It's an ambitious and exhausting hike, East Rim to Weeping Rock. But, what's a life lived without challenge, adventure, and adrenaline?  Highly overrated, I'd say. No one knows the grains of sand that remain in their "hour glass." Set your imagination free. It's never to late to add a few compelling chapters to one's story.

After dropping Sue Bee at the Visitor's Center, everyone piled into Laurelee's car for the switchback ride up to the East Rim Trailhead. Laurelee wanted to do an 8 to 10 mile out and back, while the rest of us wanted to do the whole enchilada—an 11 mile one way hike that would land us in Zion's main canyon at Weeping Rock, aptly named due to nearly 3000 feet of elevation loss.

After shedding a few tears over bloody toes at Weeping Rock, we caught the shuttle back to Sue Bee at the Visitor's Center… a standing room only ride where not a single one of many little old ladies offered me their seat.

My Birthday wish was granted… Pizza, Beer, and Friends. What else matters?


  1. A wonderful hike, great pics then Pizza beer and friends=awesome.

  2. How thoughtless of me not to offer you my seat! I guess I was too distracted by my bruised ego after just having not one, but two young men offer me theirs! ;-) Great "upward" canyon shots. Not easy to capture in that light!

  3. Looks like a great adventure! Zion has so much to offer!! Perfect birthday! Happy Belated Birthday, Mark:)

  4. Looks like the birthday beer was kicking in on that last shot...Happy Birthday!

    Your header photo is awesome! Walkin' on the edge!

  5. Gorgeous photos! And Happy Birthday!


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