Saturday, October 17, 2015

Red October Hunting

Hunting, fishing, drawing, and music occupied my every moment. Cares I knew not, and cared naught about them…
 John James Audubon

Well, it is opening morning of deer season, after all. The crack and boom of high-powered rifles have been sounding off since an hour before dawn. I guess there will always be a few who have to cheat and "jump the gun," so to speak.

We are surrounded by National Forest, well-spaced ponderosa pine with comely oak and maple setting Autumn fire to hillsides. Green and orange moss-speckled boulders outcrop here and there from rich soil made from centuries of pine needles. These are my favorite kind of woods, thinly treed, walkable, with a pleasant mix of sun, shade, and intermittent canyon views.   

Debbie clued us in to a canyon ripe with color, one she found while walking Elliot and Rupert. Love those Utah maples.

One day, Bobbie and I took Gayle and Laurelee on a trip to Comb's Ridge. I wanted to scope out a former boondock spot to see if it could accommodate several Rvs. Unfortunately the road had seen some serious flooding since we were there last. It had several deep cuts that would have been sketchy for long-assed Lazy Daze. We explored with Sue Bee, finally parking and walking a road that followed Comb's ridge.

With the temperature pushing 80 under full sun, we only made it about a mile and a half before turning back. Something caught my eye, an unusual pattern. Closer inspection revealed several pottery shards, and though broken, still laying jigsaw puzzle-like right on top of the ground. Obviously pieces from the same pot…   

A ways further we spied a grand alcove. Sure enough, binoculars revealed an intact cliff dwelling with a nice circular Kiva on the left. Bobbie and I had last boon docked in the pinion trees directly above this dwelling. On a canyon walk the next day we stumbled upon and explored the site. Miss Sara is everywhere; you just got to get out of the car and go sniffing around :)).

This is our new campsite, a paved NFS camp… 5 bucks for Geezers. With severe rain and "Flash-flood" advisories we thought it best to give up our patch of red-dirt clay for asphalt. Not as peaceful, but hey, who wants a 300 dollar tow bill.  

And finally, yesterday, Bobbie and I went to "Edge of the Cedars State Park's Antiquity Museum on the edge of Blanding, Utah.

Now we're just waiting for the eye of the storm to hit. Let it rain, Lord, let it rain.


  1. Unbe-LEAVE-able pottery find! So did you leave it? Tell the museum? It would appear that I grossly underestimated the Blanding Museum, and now I am bummed that I missed it, but grateful for the photo tour! That is better than the museum at Mesa Verde!

  2. Neat ruins, we'll have to try to find it when we stay in Bluff...

    Love those red maples....haven't seen any of them up Moab way.

  3. Rain in nice when on pavement. I have camped there, if it is that nifty little FS campground north of Bluff somewhere, great spot. We had it all to ourselves one year. Love that museum, too, and of course, Cedar Mesa is such a treasure. I do hope they save the Bears Ears.

  4. The red maples are pretty. I love the museum pictures...especially the pottery and baskets. So neat to find pottery on the trail.

  5. We love finding the ruins. It was one of your posts from the past that turned us on to the Bluff area and searching the canyons for ruins. We've made two visits to the area and plan to return this March. Our two favorites are the Perfect Kiva out Bullet Canyon and Junction Ruins in the same area across from the Ranger Station.

  6. Guess I blew it by not wanting to pay to go into the museum. Nice pottery chards. Love those red maples not seen here much on the North Rim.

  7. It looks like the "pattern" on your shards are the same as the pottery in the display case. What did you learn about this while at the museum? Or was this something you already knew? That museum is very impressive. And, of course, we stayed in Blanding about a month ago and never went to the museum. Too focused on getting to Monument Valley, which was a disappointment for a few reasons. We probably would have enjoyed the museum more.

    1. I forgot what I learned at the museum already. TMI all at once. :)
      I do remember that the pottery painting, the designs, was much better on some than others found in the same area. Some looked like a child might have done it… which could be true. How else would they learn. Others, tho, very skilled and expert hands involved.

  8. We drove Lower Comb Wash #262 north from the gate off 163 up to the BLM CG off 95 last April. Our 24' rv took it in stride however, there were a few "touch downs" is the rear end dragged itself out of a couple of washes. I would not want to be in any longer vehicle or anywhere near this road if rains was predicted! We got an early start, it took us all day to go the 20+ miles taking in a couple great ruin hikes along the way. A fantastic area and folks ya gotta leave the pottery shards for our great grand kids to see. Enjoyed seeing the Fall colors Mark!
    John n Mary


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