Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Holding Court on the Summit of Courthouse Mountain… A Farewell to Autumn Ascent

Tomorrow is Wednesday, Departure Day. Goldie sits mostly packed in front of the garage, thankful to be out of the "pound," eager to be on the road again. Checklists shorten, lines strike through all but a few "To Do's." Rain came and went the past couple of days, left snowcaps on mountain tops. Cooler now, Autumn leaves all but gone. Finally my time has come… gonna change the scene, walk a new trail, dream a new dream. 

Hans and lisa of Metamorphosis Road stopped by last night and brought pizza. It seems like just yesterday that we hiked with them around Lovely Ouray, but it had been well over two years. Wow. Time accelerates toward the end.

Son Caleb and "Sig O." Kelli, were here this past weekend. We took them over Owl Creek Pass for some leaf peeping and a summit of 12,100 foot Courthouse Mountain. I adore the view from on top, especially of its phallic neighbor, Chimney Rock. It was a steep grind, but grand day… a fine way to salute farewells to home and loved ones. We had the sun and summit all to ourselves!!! 


  1. Your autumn pictures are HEART-STOPPING! Put a disclaimer up front!

  2. Safe travels in Goldie. Enjoy. Walden creek rv. Steve

  3. Wowza! Looks like quite a climb but well worth the views!

    Good seeing you two, I hope our paths cross again soon in red rocks land!

  4. Well, we at least Jeeped the area of Chimney Rock shortly after visiting with you. Checked out the meadow where True Grit was filmed. Of course, sitting on top of the world as you guys were is not the same. Wish we could have been there. It looks quite beautiful. We certainly know the feeling of hitting the road. Been home less than two weeks and depression is already setting in. Happy Trails.

  5. Fond memories of Courthouse hike and the spectacular views, thanks for sharing. Enjoy Utah, wish we were going this year, keep us posted on your Utah adventures.

  6. What an amazing hike with a jaw dropping view! Great time with family:) The aspen are gorgeous:)


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