Sunday, September 20, 2015

Parting Shots From Aspen, and Strolling Crested Butte

Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. (Epictetus) 

"There is simply no way to express the love a man can feel for our earth once he has surrendered to her call… The graceful play of light and shadow on the canyon wall was far beyond the range of any artist's brush. Ed (Abbey) would lie alone on a layer of rock still warm from afternoon sun and gaze at the stars. He rued the massacre of the human spirit by the chancellors of advertising who played on the irony of dissatisfaction throughout acquisition. We are being systematically robbed of the most elementary decencies of life—clean air, sunlight, pure unmedicated water, grass and woods to play in, silence and solitude and space, even time, even death. Instead? Glittering shit. Today we are more governed by economics than elected officials. (From "Adventures With Ed—A Portrait of Abbey" by Jack Loeffler) 

Now for a little conspicuous consumption… 

Back to Crested Butte…


  1. The words are so compelling, but the ability to conspicuously consume sucks us right back. Damn.

  2. What an adoroable community! The food looks wonderful...yum!

  3. The Tracker is honored to have been featured on the Box Canyon Blog. ;-) Thanks for making a fun time even more so!

  4. Thanks for the preview of Crested Butte...we hope to get there next summer!

  5. Howdy Mark, This is Sonoma County Guy emailing from the shadow of Hayden Mountain and others, presently staying at the Seldom Inn on Oak Street. Would enjoy meeting you and Bobbi. How 'bout stopping by the Seldom Inn this or next Sunday for a short visit? I can be reached at 707-326-6155. We have no wi-fi at the cabin. Can check email only now and then. Regards, Doug Erickson


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