Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jim and Gayle's Little Adventure to Lovely Ouray

There they are, svelte Gayle and the always dapper Jim (aka, "Peterman"), gracing Main Street, Ouray… felicitously backdropped by the grand, meticulously restored Beaumont Hotel, not to mention, the local police. Now you know why I always feel underdressed in Jim's presence, and overweight in Gayle's…   

The Little Adventurers trumped this post by a couple of days so this is old news. Jim also trumped my photos of the water fights, so go on over to their "house" to see some better closeups.   

Now wasn't that fun!!!!


  1. Yes! Yes! I recall going to this event when the crowd was only about one-fourth (maybe less) about fun! Our Julie was always on the front row! What wonderful memories of Lovely Ouray! Thanks Mark, hope you and Bobbie have a good summer. Laverne

  2. Yes, it was fun!! Thanks for haiving us:-)

  3. What fun! Do you have anymore rib photos?

  4. That is a boatload of humanity at that event! I'm worried the Ouray Brewing roof will collapse!

  5. Love the new header!! What a super fun time with Jim and Gayle:)

  6. The header photo is a beauty!
    Love the water tradition.....nice crowd on hand this year.

  7. Restored hotels, "svelte" hot chicks and dapper geezers...surrounded by cops. Priceless!!!

    Bring on the fire cannons!


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