Friday, May 22, 2015

Fruit Cocktail Anyone?

Fire Danger Today = 0.  Greetings from the cool, moist, and wet-pine scented version of Lovely Ouray, a little Swiss hamlet in southwest Colorado cupped in a snowcapped mountain crevice. National Forest, fresh air, hot springs, and lots and lots of fresh water await your presence.

We are told by weather guessers that the monsoon season started early this year, as in two months early. So far I'd have to say I believe them. 

Otherwise, please take notice of a couple of new additions to the BCB's Blog Links sidebar. I'll be refreshing the sidebar with worthy sites as I find more, bloggers with panache—a little something different for readers to emulate or maybe just appreciate.  So pay attention. 

"Why?" you ask.
As a poor lost soul with a whacko "life-compass," I often default to the Blogosphere for inspiration/ideas about how best to go about spending the precious few grains of sand left in my "hourglass."  Is it just me, or are Rv blogs becoming more and more like canned fruit cocktail? I have a spare patch of fertile soil on the sidebar, so why not throw out a few seeds and see what comes up? Sometimes new directions begin with exposure to possibilities… by simply reading about people who "toddle to the beat of a different drum." 

I allude to this subject from time to time, how I have grown weary of the proliferation of what is, for the most part, indistinguishable Rv blogs—including my own. The the Rv blog pipeline seems to be clogging up with the sediment of repetition—S. O. S. reruns of silver haired lemmings beating rutted paths to the same places. It's hard to spin new headlines from yesterday's hotspots, especially when they've been covered ad infinitum by so many bloggers. It begs the question; Has the Rv Blogosphere run out of new material? I realize that, as individuals, we can never "see it all." But collectively, in the blogosphere, I think we're getting close.  

It's a slippery slope, to make this point without bashing the dreams and aspirations of people who've been standing in line awaiting their turn, or pissing off a fellow blogger who, like me, continues to take people along for the ride. Some days I just wake up and ask myself, "Why am I doing this? Hasn't this (throw a dart at a map) been covered?" 

In that regard, please accept my apologies for the rerun role the BCB replays. It seems our Travel Expense Account lacks adequate funding to run off in search of far flung new destinations. 

In the meantime I stroll Lovely Ouray, admiring her treasures and funk—waiting for snow to melt above timberline, wildflowers to pop and blossom, and winters ice to melt from sky blue lakes.


  1. I could never tire of looking at photos from Lovely Ouray.. And your commentary is like icing on the cake. Good counseling for my soul. Keep it up! I guess El Niño is keeping a bunch of us wet this spring.

  2. It may be "fruit cocktail," but the BCB brand always seems to have more maraschino cherries. ;-)

  3. GREAT photos of your little town. Here I am about to get away from the computer, ah just a couple of more blogs to read on my blog sidebar .... only to see you are announcing new reading sources on your sidebar!! LOL Well at least my hounds are now away and are taking me outside for a break ... it's good to have help when you need it. Anyway I was talking a few months ago with a fellow blogger that you know by email. We were discussing our decisions to stop blogging at that time, "because all the blogs are the same, going to the same places over and over, with the same pictures" ... it's good to see someone else with a lot more experience than I, feels the same way. You just have a better, nicer way of saying it. And uh ... thanks for the new sites for me to check out. :)

  4. I hear you loud and clear on the "travel expense account." When I bought my Lazy Daze, I never imagined how much regular maintenance items add up. I'm actually rethinking my travel plans too for the summer.

    The good news is that my 1998 Lazy Daze 26.5 mid-bath is now in excellent running condition. The not so good news is that it took up a huge chunk out of my savings.

    I do have a volunteer position cleaning yurts at Tumalo State Park in Bend, Oregon for the month of July with a free campsite and Friday and Saturday for days off. However, "feeding the beast" i.e. gasoline for the trip is now a major concern. I'm sure everything will all work out - it always does...

    As for blogs, I think one of my concerns is that some folks blog even when they have nothing to say. Nice folks, but sometimes "silence is golden."

    Great photos (as usual) of your "little slice of paradise."

  5. Great rerun. Always enjoy your photos of Lovely Ouray.

  6. Thanks again Mark....I only read your blog and a couple of are always first...since you know where my heart are never boring...and your pictures (especially the ones of Lovely Ouray) are so good! Brings back so many good memories of time spent....


  7. We love to go to your little town to get away from it all. Been there quite a few times and just love it. With all the hiking out the back door you really have so much to enjoy without going off for adventure elsewhere, I would not mind being stuck there for a time.

  8. There are a lot of reasons why I read check out places I have never been mostly and if it's a place I have been, then perhaps there are new things to do I didn't know about! Just like your blog, I am always interested in the photographs...a picture is worth a thousand words! I'm not poetic, philosophical, funny, etc., but I do enjoy sharing this beautiful country we live in with anyone who chooses to take the time to check out our blog.

  9. I'm always amazed at the stories and pictures you pull together for your blog. Even if they are sometimes similar I still enjoy knowing what you are seeing today. Thanks for taking us along on the journey.

  10. You are the Dave letterman of the travel blogs!! Just don't retire!

  11. I'm with Gay, reading other Rvers blogs may give me ideas of things to do as we visit different places. It also is a way to keep up with folks we've met on the road, see if our paths may cross again soon.

    I love reading blogs like yours and Suzanne's that are extremely well written...but not everyone has that talent. I personally struggle with the decision to keep blogging because I know I'm not a serious, or even very good, "writer". But I continue because my blog serves as a conduit to family and our friends on the road and does provide useful information for others who enjoy the same things we do.

    I sure do appreciate thoughtful well written blogs though and I'll be looking at those you suggest because I admire your writing!

  12. I'm discovering new things in my "neighborhood" of 10 years every day lately, but of course mine is packed with more people and things than Ouray is! Found a beautiful Victorian home in tiny Richmond yesterday that I've probably driven past before but never noticed. Funny what you see when you come at something from a different direction, much like on the return hike on a trail. I know what you mean though about the blogs and the destinations. I too am struggling to make my recap less like a laundry list lately and am lacking inspiration when I sit down. I feel more of my personality comes out in my comments than in the post itself...


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