Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Yule Night At The Guide Garage on Main Street

Friends, Averill and Gary had a Yule Night Grand Opening of their new winter business endeavor, The Guide Garage. More than a tune-up shop for skis, it's a "Hang Out" for anyone who loves leaving tracks up in the snow-bowls on Red Mountain.

Gary and Averill worked feverishly, trying to get the shop built and organized for the big shopping night in Lovely Ouray. They had plans for a sign with their logo on it, a big "G" made with a cutout of an ice-climber's pick, but it didn't look like there was time for that to happen. So, being Christmas and all, and having a plasma cutter and grinders just sitting in on a shelf, I volunteered to make them a "shingle" with their logo to hang out front.

It's hard to tell from the photos, but I cut two two identical logos from two sheets of steel and mounted them on both sides of a white background…leaving a inch or so of relief for depth and shadow. In doing this they ended up with four logos to use, the two mounted against the white backboard, plus the two leftover "G" cutouts that they ended up using as well.

Averill also wanted the same logo and "Guide Garage" carved onto a cedar board that she could hang in the front window after painting the routed out letters a brilliant, eye catching red. 

Averill and Gary at the Grand Opening and posing with their as yet unpainted cedar sign

The big "G" with Yule Night's Christmas parade going on in the background

Averill plans to have hearty hot oatmeal and breakfast burritos for sale, as well as hot coffees and teas. So stop in and have a look if you happen to be passing through our winter wonderland anytime soon.  Good luck guys!!!


  1. We wish them the best of luck in their new venture. Looks like it will be a good place to hang out as long as the bills get paid. Keep those burritos and hot chocolate coming. Yum!!

  2. Nice work, Mark. Until you pointed it out I did not realize that was an ice axe inside the "G". They have done a fine job of transforming this space into a great winter location in Ouray!

  3. You are a man of many talents, Mark. I'm sure your signs will help make their business venture a success!

  4. It pays to know friends with fancy power tools. ;-) That is a very cool logo. At first, I didn't see the ice axe, but now, that's all I see when I look at it. Looks like they are off to a great start! I wish them well...

  5. Looks like all the hard work paid off...good luck Averill and Gary!

  6. When I visited earlier this month and saw Averill's comfort with the espresso machine in the back, I had an inkling that might end up as part of the operation. Best wishes to them!! --Dave


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