Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fire and Brimstone

Most of you know by now that I have a puppy love crush on Nature's "fire and brimstone" country in and around Zion National Park. Whether it's the stark color contrast of red on white against blue or the vivid eagle-eye focus dry air and elevation lends to this particular region, my "cup" runneth over but as yet, is never full. It sets my spirit free; it soars as I wander great heights and depths awash with the outlandish strokes of a frenetic artist.    

We had a great hike into Zion's backcountry a couple of days ago, and once again had it all to ourselves. The canyon we descended into was mostly sandstone, one of those hikes where the uphill portion is on the way out. Jim's GPS revealed we lost (and gained back) well over a thousand feet of elevation. There were some sore knees and tired legs the next day…a small price to pay for a little bit of fire and brimstone :))
Peace out, People.
Mark and Bobbie and The Gang...

One of two Tripod Rocks, perfectly balanced for now, but it's supports slowly eroding out from under. There used to be a third, but it either collapsed or was pushed to the ground recently. Stupidity should be a capital offense...

Suzanne pauses to rest her bleeding eyes (and lungs) and pose for your's truly. 

Jim led the charge on the return trip up and out of the canyon, pretty much leaving us in his dust. Then assumed "The Thinker" position atop his royal throne…watching us labor out of the hole we hiked ourselves into.

I think Gayle is pushing back her fear of heights, lately.


  1. It's beautiful! A hike I will definitely look forward to doing one day. Love the line " my "cup" runneth over, but ..." !

  2. If there IS a re-birth I wish to be born in Utah. It's so beautiful in your State.

  3. You make me long to be out on the slickrock.


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