Monday, October 13, 2014

Upper Muley Twist, Part 1

There are multiple outings warming up in the "Bull Pen," awaiting their turn on the BCB mound. But one bar at 1x = no uploads (sigh). I know, I know... what about the two wi fi goodie joints only three miles distant in Torrey? Well, I've gained 5 pounds using "free" hotspots... and lost damn near fifty bucks. I can attest that the pumpkin shakes at Slackers are to die for, and the muffins at Castlerock are just as lethal. Photo by photo, word by word, I will get you caught up. But first, let me wax poetic about about a curious wrinkle in the earth's crust known as The Waterpocket Fold.  Boonie devotees will want to exit here and now…

The Fold runs north and south for over a hundred miles, a massive uplift of sandstone and red dirt. Eons of weather have been kind, sculpting, eroding and fracturing the uplift into an obstacle course maze of slits, slots, and monoliths. It's a magnificent playground, known to bring out one's inner child. 

We were up early to hitch a ride with Susan and Maikel for the two hour drive to Upper Muley Twist Canyon, followed by an extraordinary hike right through the heart of Waterpocket. Here's a Part 1 album of photos; more to come later.

Burr Trail


  1. As usual, really nice photos. Looks like great weather to boot. For Part 1, it looks like it was mostly driving to get to the actual hiking, maybe Part 2. Am I perceiving correctly?

  2. Omigosh. You went in from the bottom! I did it from the top, only half way, as I said. Oh mark. The memories. The photos. The Fold. Most magical place ever IMHO. However, at the moment I am in the middle of a fairy tale on Lake Champlain, so not complaining.

  3. That's quite a field trip...two hours! Can't wait to see photos of a place I've only heard about! Looks like it was a gorgeous drive.

  4. This is a hike we need to do. We did drive the Burr Trail and hike across the area above the trailhead but we were with friends and this was a Jeep trip day. We thought about going back but weren't up for the drive. Now I can check it out with your photos!


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