Friday, September 12, 2014

Looking Back, Moving Forward: "This little light is mine, I'm gonna to let it shine"

Disclaimer: If it's intellectual enlightenment you seek, you're at the wrong website. What you will find here are photos and opinions…some pretty, some pretty ugly…like the photographer/author. I disclaim to be an authority on anything except my own experience, lot's of failures, a few successes, and a couple of regrets…all of which I share with you in hopes that one person's experience might serve as a candle to light a path for others. Not so much that you should in any way follow my footsteps, more that you might learn from my mistakes. 

I am a firm believer in "Different Strokes" as Met. Lisa commented. But, knowledge is power and thus I try to share what has worked and failed for us…all discovered the hard way through costly trial and error. If any of the fodder on the BCB helps someone else in that regard, it is worth all the slings and arrows my fellow William Shakespeare's can hurl. 

It's my life and I'll do what I want
It's my mind and I'll think like I want
You show me I'm wrong, it'll hurt me sometime
But some day I'll treat you real fine  (The Doors)

“Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.” 

― Arthur Miller, The Ride Down Mt. Morgan

Now, looking forward to repeating past adventures. Sometimes, once around is not enough, and even thrice bares repeating. What's not to love about being outdoors? That's the bottom-line goal here at the BCB, Moving Forward in the great outdoors. If that's your "bag," too, then bookmark now.
Peace out,


  1. A daily dose of the outdoors is good medicine for anyone, even if your not ailing. And if I can't get outdoors today, your photos will be a good substitute. A placebo, maybe? Thanks for your always great outdoor stuff!

  2. Metal art have many hidden talents! That flower watercolor is gorgeous, is it Bobbies? Yours?

    Yes indeed, the great outdoors is the magnet that draws us out into Mother Nature's arms and her peace and solace. I think it's a great equalizer too, you don't need money to enjoy it, just time.

    1. The Flower Painting is Bobbie's…. magnifico indeed!!!

  3. We look forward to being the objects of your photos soon, but Jim won't be taking off his clothes like Leonard;-)

  4. Congratulations Mark! For the 10th time this year the BCB has been selected as my "Blog Of The Week"!

    But seriously, your blog is one of the best and most inspirational, out there, in many ways. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such an entertaining and thought (and emotion) provoking way. Even if it does make me pine for Colorado and the Southwest, but we're lucky enough to be able to visit pretty regularly, and yours blog's given us some great ideas for where to go next.

  5. And time is a precious thing...nothing like that red rock and yellow aspens! Throw in a creek bed wonderful blue skies and clouds and it's heaven on earth!

    I agree with Lisa...the flower watercolor is very nice!

  6. What a fantastic photo at Delicate Arch...made my night. Thanks!

  7. Second to the last - just perfect. I love that!

    1. Allison, are you guys showing up with the gang at Capital Reef in early October???

  8. Nice photos and preview of Fall tree colors, red rock, slot canyons, and friendly blue skies. Looking forward to meeting up in early November to enjoy all that Zion area has to offer.

    1. We will take you and J. on a nice little hike…(ha ha), say 15 miles or so :))

  9. Love your pictures and your attitude! This little light of mine is a favorite even though I first learned it in church which was not such a favorite. Everybody should let their little light shine IMO and not do anything to alter the flame of others.

    1. Sunday School Daze…I remember them well. I traded a pew for a wilderness rock in Colorado and that's all the Old Time Religion I need...

  10. I can't help but selfishly wish you would let a little of your light shine on the captions of your photos from time to time, so I would know what to add to my bucket list. You know how I love my lists! ;-)

    And I agree, Bobbie's flower is stunning!

    1. You are not the first to complain about that…sorry. I get in a hurry to publish when I have much to do waiting for me. Retirement is an illusion...

  11. Always enjoy your musings & pics. Deep, enlightening, inspiring,'re certainly never boring. Really loved this trip down pictoral memory lane.

    1. Deep??? You must be mistaking me for Boonie (grin).
      thanks, tho


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