Monday, September 29, 2014

Crystal Blue Persuasion, Yellow Submarine, and Lavender Mountain, and Why God Made RVs

On yet another fine fall day we found ourselves on the shores of Crystal Lake, a mere twenty minute scoot up Red Mountain from Lovely Ouray. I was persuaded to take photo-graphic advantage of Crystal's warm, calm, reflective mood; it won't be long till she's frozen over… frigid as a popsicle in a deepfreeze. I hope to be immersed in Utah's Red Rock country by then, taking thermal advantage of places where Old Man Winter's arrival is generally postponed till the holidays… the way it should be in a perfect world. But it isn't a "perfect world," is it? Nor is it always fair. And that, my dear friends, is why God made RVs—to wander comfortably around in the desert, looking for the Promised Land. Poor old Moses and his Israelites… living in makeshift tents, no port-a-potties or holding tanks, no solar power or generators; surly they hold a graveyard grudge.  

Just beyond Crystal Lake, Bobbie and I caught the Hayden trail, currently a virtual Yellow Submarine subway of Aspen, all the way up to Lavender Mountain—a deeply hued, out-of-place hodgepodge of gnarly, twisted, volcanic rock that erupts from the now blond-as-a-Mormon-baby alpine tundra. We stumbled upon this surreal "Blowout-like" environment only last year, and I could sit amongst this nothing-short-of-a-movieset for hours, staring at what could best be described as a colorfully fossilized regurgitation by Mother Earth, eons upon eons ago.   

Above and below: We stumble upon longtime friends Gary and Tammy West and their daughter, Tori (and her three dogs) on the trail and had a great time talking about the old days and catching up on gossip :))

Bobbie, catching the Yellow Submarine "down-mountain."

I'm not sure, exactly, when repeated fall photo posts become boring/spam. Maybe you tire of it, yawn and doze off like when you watched Uncle Bud's 1956 Colorado vacation slideshow for the umpteenth time, "Gosh, look at those old cars, Harry. What would you give to have one of 'em now…" 

I beg your indulgence. It's almost over :))

Peace Out,
Mark and Bobbie…Loading up Goldie, battening down the hatches, preparing for blastoff!


  1. I don't know how anyone could get tired of fall foliage!

  2. We're heading out looking for fall foliage today.Never get tired of it!

  3. Your photos just made me almost change my course east for a dip into Ouray..alas, I must head year?

  4. Love aspen in the fall! Great photos.

  5. Spectacular aspens! Looks like you had a wonderful hike!

  6. Mark and Bobbie,
    I've been following your blog since friends Jim & Galye, and Don & Dorothy and pointed me to you. I am loving both your words and pictures! Currently hunkered down in Durango waiting out the rain and hoping to be in the Silverton area for the next several days. Thanks for all the great images.

    1. I'm glad you're a BCB reader…too bad about all that snow…just when you get here. But no big winds yet to blow Ms Autumns "flowers" from the trees ;))

  7. Crystal Blue Persuasion - what a perfect caption for that first picture. Just WOW.

  8. That was a nice fall color fix. We're still up in northern ID where it's been in the 70's and sunny but the aspen and larch are still almost all green. That bright burst of yellow would be nice. We're actually rooting for a little rain before we start heading south in a few weeks. We still need to enjoy trees for a while before heading to the desert for the winter. Enjoy those red rocks.

  9. Never tire Of BCB-- Hope this will be best winter travel ever for you two! enjoy- be safe and healthy! Walden Creek Rv steve

  10. Spectacular! Always used to view the aspens when I lived in Colorado. Happy travels.

  11. OMG.....God also made the fall colors. BEAUTIFUL!

  12. Love, love the fall foliage!! Keep it coming!! Gorgeous hike:)

  13. I think it was Mae West who said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!" These are truly wonderful.


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