Monday, June 2, 2014

Bobbie's Good News

It was a pleasure to rip May, 2014 from the calendar—a horrendous thirty one day nightmare we would just as soon forget—and put a match to it. A gesture rooted more in symbolism than efficacy, more platitude than proper, more show than substance. It felt good, and gave us the feeling of regaining some semblance of control over the wretched chaos that's been swirling around lately.

I am thrilled to report that Bobbie's double/triple vision completely cleared up a few days after onset. We were told it could take weeks to months. So she has discarded her eye patch, cancelled the appointment for an MRI of her brain stem, and returned to normal activities and routine. 

We are tired of Doctors who can't agree on a diagnosis, appointments that lag hours behind schedule, and feeling like lab rats for the "practice" of medicine. The medical machine means well, but it is dehumanizing and heartless, not to mention, dangerous. 

I continue to recover, tho at a snails pace. The swelling and tenderness in my abdomen has retreated enough to allow me to get my pants buttoned. I returned to work at the Gallery last week and put in three days, walking to and from, no less. It was exhausting, even tho I didn't do anything. I've got a ways to go.

Thanks for your comments and support, we'll keep you posted.
Mark and Bobbie 


  1. Great to hear you're well on your way to recovery. I've lost patience, but I think you can see the light at the end of your tunnel. Hope things improve day by day for you and Bobbi. Love everyone of your photos, as always.

  2. Great news! A walk to work is good...and so glad to read Bobbie's vision has returned to normal.

    Wonderful photos Mark...I'm inspired and continue to persevere!

  3. Great news for both of you. I'm glad to hear it was nothing serious for Bobbi and also good to hear you can do a little walking with buttoned pants as an added bonus. Just remember that first walk to work is just the start of getting back in shape. Your are right about the "medical machine". I've been very very fortunate not to have any health issues to experience what you've gone through but just the experience of my annual bronchitis visit to the clinic with no solution was quite the eye opener. Insurance coverage will have to be another rant.

    Great photos as usual, love seeing them.

  4. Good news all round. Stunning photos.

  5. Oh, what a palpable relief! So glad to hear Bobbie was able to rip the patch off as easily as you ripped off the calendar page! Onward! There is a glorious summer waiting for you both...

  6. I completely agree with the dehumanizing aspect of modern medicine. Used to be a time you knew your doctor, they knew you and medicine had a human touch. Now it's all just shuffling you from one test to another, one specialist to another. Glad to hear you're both improving.

  7. Thank goodness the mending continues apace. With any luck you two will be back to your old selves by the end of summer!

  8. Whether mentally or physically affected I sure am not impressed with these aging medical years. Whether slow or fast things just seem to have a nasty habit of happening. Best to you both......................

  9. Hurray!! So glad you have great news for us:) Take care,!

  10. Nice to hear a decent report on the trip to full recovery- keep it up! Walden creek rv steve

  11. Went looking for you today at the gallery. Saw it was closed mon-wed. We're just passing through and thought I'd say hi. Great news for Bobbie. Agree that medical care sucks, nowadays. Did hike to Upper Cascades from Amphitheater cg today. Almost killed this flatlander.

  12. Yea!....oh what a relief it hear a good report...Your photo's are breathtaking....I really enjoyed them....good luck, and good health to you and Bobbie....just take it easy.


  13. Time heals, glad you are both doing better.......

  14. I've lost count the number of times i say "Wow" when I flip through your pics. And not just "Wow" but audible "Wooowww"...Keep them coming. So glad to hear that Bobbie's eyes have come back to seeing only one of everything! Wonder what it was after all...the body is a mystery. I was hit in the head a few years back playing ball...I was seeing three of everything for about 10 minutes. My point guard said he'd point me in the right direction and for me just to "shoot for the middle basket" and we still had a good chance at winning the game. Mark...keep hanging in there. MOAB.

  15. Wonderful news. For many years the both of us had a wonderful, I repeat wonderful, GP. He had to quit medicine, because of an illness. He knew us, would even call us at home himself to talk about any issues. Since then we have been treated like cattle. don't think it will ever be the same. Glad you are both doing better!!

  16. Glad to hear Bobbie's vision is back to normal and that you're on the mend as well. Laughter is good medicine, and I hope you get a rebound dose when I tell you I laughed when I read that you burned the month of May! Fantastic idea!

  17. Glad to hear you are both on the mends. We spent a few days at Ridgway and are now heading to Denver with plans to return for wildflowers in the high country. Keep getting stronger!

  18. Catching up on reading your blog...what a batch of nasty medical mishaps. Glad that Bobbie's vision is better and you are slowly mending.


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