Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Feeling "Gut-Shot," but among the Living

We had the alarm set for 5:00 AM, but woke up at 4:00 AM and couldn't go back to sleep. Gee, I wonder why? Well, that's the price one pays to live in the Boondocks, where you have to leave by 6:00 in order to get to the hospital by 7:00 in order to have surgery at 8:45. As it turned out, being first in line had it's perks, as the rest of the day's surgeries were canceled due to the Infection Inspector discovering ants crawling around on recently sterilized surgical silverware—and this on the third floor! Must have been those darn nurses, using scalpels to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the break room again.

Fortunately, my "silverware" had been wrapped in plastic the night before and we got the go-ahead. Dodged a bullet there, thank God.

All went well, and we were back home by 1:00 pm, after a stop at Wendy's for an extra large Frosty. I shuffled off 50 laps around the living room before easing into my Lazy Boy. Walking wasn't too bad, but sitting down and standing up is a tad uncomfortable. I don't even want to think about sneezing or going number two Sorry, I guess I should spare you some of the details, things like my "fun zone" turning black and blue. Yep, I've got a bad case of the Blue Scrotum Blues; try and get that image out of your head. Ha! (Must be the anesthesia talking). Speaking of feeling groovy, my apologies for no pics. Bobbie found me in the bathroom with my camera and, uh, well, kinda drew the line. After seeing a bunch of scabs from my mountain bike ride, Doc says it will be at least 6 weeks before I can "get back to my normal." And that really sucks, but for now, I'm just glad it's behind me. Well what do you know, a "glass half full" from the old cynic :))
Cheers, and a big thanks to the "faithful."

Now a few photos from a pre-surgery hike up towards Chief Ouray Mine. 


  1. Congratulations on the successful surgery.

  2. ahh, a big sigh of relief from this corner. Glad you didn't have your sense of humor destroyed by surgery or by the anesthetic. Now, let me add my voice to all the others around here, including I would imagine your sweet wife: Do Not Over Do Too Quickly!! We need you around here to keep us entertained with gorgeous boonie hating post cards, art lessons, and crazy fun humor. Besides, who would tell us where to boondock in the red rock country beside the one who knows it so well! Do all my reasons sound selfish? Well, maybe, but underneath all those selfish reasons for wishing you well, I really DO wish you well, Mark.

  3. Comes out from under the knife and starts crackin' are awesome! Glad to read all went well. TAKE IT EASY!

    Metamorphosis Lisa

  4. Thank Bobbie for saving us all from more than we needed to see!!:)

    Glad all went well. Now listen to the doctor and behave.

  5. Glad you're home, it's hard to believe how quickly they get these things done. Do not over do! And thank you for that image of the blue zone.

  6. Glad to hear you are on this side of the knife. Keep the shuffle speed down for a bit.... you need a chance to perfect all those paintings in waiting!

  7. Agree with Sue, glad your sense of humor is intact. Glad you are doing well after your surgery. Take care!

  8. You are a nut case! (Sorry to hear it's a blue one.) :-o

    So glad it is behind you. You must feel such a sense of relief. Thank GOD for Saran Wrap!!

  9. Glad you had plastic-wrapped "silverware." Ants, huh? Who knows what kind of horrible diseases you could pick up from ants. Wow.

    Love your hike photos, especially the tree that could be an Ent from Lord of the Rings.

    1. Susan,
      I know…that tree is/was right out of a boogieman dream!
      I was wondering who or if anyone would look at it close enough to see the "monster."
      You win!!! :))
      Box Canyon Mark

  10. Oh what a relief it is! Whew, glad you are on the mend.....don't want to even think about not getting your photo's of Lovely favorite place! Now, take care and get well...and don't do anything that I wouldn't do!


  11. No sense cryin', might as well laugh about life's little trials and tribulations. Here's hoping you're back out on the trail soon.

  12. Yeah! Behind you is the best place for that sort of thing to be... Now rest up!

  13. What's another six weeks after all this time? Glad you have those surgeries behind you. Jim's working on his hill climbing but I bet by November you'll be screaming past him on your bike!

    1. Good, but it must too easy at sea level.
      I'm trying to adopt a "smell the roses" pace…not much luck there yet.

  14. Good to hear that all is ok. Like many of us you will want to get back on the bike and often we tend to rush things, as thats what we enjoy doing. But take it easy, its hard, but in the long run worth it.

  15. Glad to hear surgery went well. Here's a speedy recovery!

  16. Thursday update, 20 hours post-knife:
    Had to sleep on my back last night, but moving a little better this AM. I wanted to go for a walk outside, but it started snowing…AGAIN. More laps around the kitchen, I guess.

    Thanks for all your well-wishes,
    Mark, in snowy Ouray

  17. Good that you had your surgery done in May. By July, all the regular surgeons are on vacation and the new interns just out of medical school are looking for there first patient. You can tell the new doctors, they look about 21 and have an iPhone in their left hand instead of stethoscope around their neck. Thanks for pictures of Chief Ouray mine trail, one of my favorites. Get well soon and go slow for next few weeks.

  18. The pictures of the hike are always. Had my mouth watering for some of those yummy views of Ouray! We do hope to get there this summer.

    Glad you are on the mend....maybe it snowed so you would not over do.

  19. So glad this is over and you're on the mend!


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