Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blue Lakes and Flowers In the Shadow of Mount Sneffels

Wildflower season isn't a bust after all. Up in Yankee Boy Basin there's enough to keep a shutterbug busy as a bee, and further up, on both sides of Blue Lakes Pass, photographing lush slopes of Columbine and Paintbrush added an hour to our hike. All this after forty days without rain. I've got news for Nietzsche, there must be a God after all; the proof is in photograph...pun intended.
That's Mount Sneffels, our local 14'er, rising above Bobbie in the lead photograph; 14,150 feet above sea level, to be precise. This hike was all about purdy flowers and Blue Lakes full of trout. The next hike up there will turn more serious. Stay tuned, because we will be summiting Sneffels with RV friends due to arrive in a few days. (edited 7/11/13, mej).

It was another day of good light...come and go clouds, softening the harsh reality of high altitude photography, casting pell-mell shadows that sped across the landscapes. I will save the best for last, in my next post. Dim the lights, put on some music, and enjoy.   


  1. SO BEAUTIFUL! Is that a Ptarmigan? Or some kind of grouse? Can't wait to hear about a conquering of Sneffels!

    Metamorphosis Lisa

  2. Love it. Looks like the bird/hen was posing for pictures.

  3. "...outside of comfort zone", indeed!

    Look at the nice road in that one photograph. It would be perfect for a mountain bike ride. But there is the hood of a large white gas-hog in the photo. (Grin)

  4. My guess was ptarmigan, too. They must not be too skittish. They need to come up with more words for breathtakingly beautiful. The English language can be so inadequate.

  5. Your photos are gorgeous!

  6. Linda,
    A real compliment coming from your "lens." I'm relieved you found your dog, too! How scary. thanks

    Ptarmigan... yes, immature chicks without a mother around to tell them to keep their distance from humans. thanks

    they were posing... no fear at all. thanks for commenting :)

    Gay and Joe,
    We thought so too...but it gets better in the next post.

    I know, but the gas hog shortens the hike...I'm almost ashamed to say that :((
    thanks, pal.

    John and Pam,
    who doesn't like wild flowers :) I even like the tame ones! thanks, travel well and stay cool.

    Pam and Wayne,
    I know, "beautiful" certainly gets overused in the english language...which lessens its impact. Too bad, but yes, "beautiful indeed."
    thanks guys, don't work too hard.

  7. elaine@hymnserve.comJuly 11, 2013 at 8:13 PM

    LIKE! No, LOVE!!!

  8. I can just smell the flowers, clean air, and high-altitude blue sky...I can hear my heart lungs legs burning!!! Oh to be doing 14ers again! Sweet pics. Thanks

  9. Elaine,
    I need a "Love" button :)

    We have a 14'er in our backyard you haven't been up yet...what's keeping you?
    Maybe someday. thanks, guys.


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