Monday, April 15, 2013

Indecent Exposures...Fukengruven In Jerome

Jerome Arizona is Sausalito without the Bay, Santorini without the money, Bisbee without the pit...only a bit more falling down and architecturally poorer. Like Bisbee, Jerome has a birthright of shiny Copper, and a epitaph of rusted Volkswagens. But there is no funeral to weep over, for in the end, rust is the new gold...a magnet for money.

It doesn't hurt that Jerome is part of the Turquoise Triangle Scenic Drive. The T. T. gives Phoenician Seniors with Beamers and Benzes an alternative to golf. BMW and Mercedes aren't the only companies getting rich off the Viagra Generation, either; Harley Davidson is putting a dent in the Toys For Men In Second Childhoods department. At minimum, a barebones Harley pushes 20 G's; deck it out with chrome, bags and a bandana for your receding forehead, and you've dropped another 10. And that's before Momma get's wrapped head to toe like a black bean burrito in embroidered  leathers and boots. Harley Davidson's, lined up like dominos, always in front of a saloon...where even the barmaid could kick the crap out of their lily white assed Easy Riders.  

No matter how Sugar Momma rides into Funky Town, she's there to shop. More gaudy chains and chokers to adorn sagging necklines; more rings for pudgy digits; more jewel-tipped studs for multi-pierced ears. Sugar Daddy just wants to sit in the shade and lock lips with a double dip Pralines and Cream waffle cone...pretend it's one of those bodacious tattooed beauts passing him by like he was invisible. His fantasy costs five bucks; hers, five hundred. Just another day in "Retirement Lifestyles of  Rich N. Famous." Everybody's happy...especially the venders.


  1. Walden Creek Rv steveApril 15, 2013 at 7:59 AM

    Mark- Great post as usual- always enjoy the pictures of old cars mixed in- great bumper stickers - many from Clinton era- had to laugh at " honk if you have had sex with the president! take care-

  2. I see this post has riled some folks out there...
    just a little tongue-in-cheek Blue-Monday humor (or not). Ease up, deep breaths... I'm one of them, minus the money :))

  3. Ah, Mark, sometimes you are right on and sometimes you are more right on. The latter today.

  4. Kinda loved that place too, we also are minus the money but fun people watching and looking around there, great post.

  5. No reason for anyone to get riled up. Telling it like it is.

  6. Laverne here:

    Man! you don't mind telling it like it is, Mark....right on....I loved this blog; will take me two days to read all the bumper stickers on that van! The pictures are the old cars. We are getting hot here...supposed to be in the nineties today...that is to hot! Should be in lovely Ouray!

  7. It was a yet another fun day with the John-Sons.-Maikel

  8. Have been there many years ago, but it was a grey day. Nice to see the place in sunny weather. Great shots - the capture the mood. Would love to go there again.

  9. So different from the first time I drove through Jerome in the early 1970s. Now days you can't find a place to park.

  10. "Rust is the new gold." I am laughing out loud.

    OMG, I am just going to cut and paste your Harley "black bean burrito" paragraph into my upcoming post about my weekend drive to Fredericksburg! LOL! (Kidding, but I would never be able to say it better!)

  11. Walden Steve,
    Thanks...I got a kick out of that billboard V-dub too.

    Desert Scruff,
    Just trying to lighten a Blue Monday for those on Treadmills. Thanks

    Geo and Suz,
    Money helps, but is not the secret to happiness.

    Right on!

    Time to turn on your AC, laverne. It snows in Lovely Ouray today.

    and Funny :))

    Sun makes anyplace better...except Death Valley maybe. We love Jerome.

    True about the parking... we got there early and did fine. But the cars were circling like sharks when we left...fighting for our spot.

    Use it! :)
    Thanks, Suzanne...I love Fredricksburg too! show me lots of photos...and some strudel "porn" from those German Bakeries :))


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