Friday, December 21, 2012

Minus Ten Zen and the Art of Snow Angels

A Double Dawg Dare has been known to get people to do some mighty... ah... crazy things. Got this one on video... Marathon Man Leonard practicing the fine spiritual art of Zen and Snow Angels at the Ouray Hot Springs Pool.

 Click Here for the video...

Merry Christmas, everybody. Saturday Morning we are headed to Golden, Colorado in order to visit MOAB (Mia, Owen, Anita and nephew Brent) over Christmas. My son Caleb is flying in, too. May you have a great holiday. This blogger appreciates all of you... your comments, criticisms, and attendance... even you Lurkers out there :))
Peace out!
Mark, Bobbie... and Crazy Leonard!!!


  1. Merry Christmas - Mark and Bobbie and Leonard, too. Brrr...are you going to do that too???

  2. Delurking to wish you the best of holidays and also safe travel. Your blog has been a wonderful find... superb photography and commentary!!

    from Annette in Omaha, who visits her 102 year old mother at the nursing home every day and looks forward to the vicarious travel provided herein : )

  3. Delurking to wish you the best of holidays and also safe travel. Your blog has been a wonderful find... superb photography and commentary!!

    from Annette in Omaha, who visits her 102 year old mother at the nursing home every day and looks forward to the vicarious travel provided herein : )

  4. Wishing you and Bobbie safe and happy travels and happy holidaze. And Leonard, Merry Christmas to you as well - you looked like a "saddhu" with all that snow on your face. LOL! -scamp

  5. Walden Creek rv steveDecember 22, 2012 at 8:08 AM

    What a great way to wake up in the morning- but try to get one of those hot life guards to do an angel----Bobbie???

  6. Merry Christmas and safe travels!

  7. Merry Christmas to you too! Loving those least from a warm distance hehe.

  8. Merry Christmas to you too! Loving those least from a warm distance hehe.

  9. I may never look at "angel hair pasta" in the same light! haha!

    Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season. Thanks for all the beauty in 2012...can't wait to see what's on deck for the new year!


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