Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Road Trip Window Shots

Dillion Pinnacles, Blue Mesa Lake

A little road trip landed us in Golden, Colorado, home to a piss-water brewery named Coors. What can I say... I'm a beer snob.  
It's also home to MOAB, Maia; Owen; Anita; and Brent, my nephew and fam... not to mention the Apple store up the road which begs our attention a couple times a year. The spring bloom is well underway in Golden... temps pushed 80 degrees. Unseasonable thunderstormy clouds hung over front range mountains, wetting my appetite for July's monsoon season. It almost feels like we skipped spring and landed smack in the middle of July. Far be it from me to rush summer; I want to stop the clock, savor and celebrate every minute.  

So, no complaints here... I have some yard projects waiting for me back home that I'm actually looking forward to if weather cooperates with my attire of choice.


  1. It's beginning to feel like summer, and just a little too early.

  2. Gaelyn,
    I can't get enough of it :)) Mid 70's here in Lovely Ouray so I'm pouring concrete and doing things I thought I'd have to wait till May to do.
    Thanks, Mark.

  3. beer snobbery is good! love the clouds!

  4. Was great to see you guys...as always...you are welcome to "camp" here enroute to the Holy Apple Store...give us more notice next time so we can set up a good home improvement project...uh...I mean hike on North Table Mtn!!!

  5. Thanks for the room, MOAB.
    We have Home Improvements enough...

    Dug, compacted, formed, rebar-ed, poured and finish troweled a new patio for the Studio Apt.

    Added topsoil, fertilizer and wood chips in prep for planting lawn.

    Built planters with Railroad ties and rock wall.

    all this week... now I can't move, spent the day at Ouray Hot Springs. :((


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