Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crossing Paths... When RV "Circles" Intersect

One of the fringe benefits of travel blogging is connecting with new people in lovely places. Lasting friendships ensue from chance encounters as well as ones planned. This week is doubly special because Wandrin Lloyd's circle happened to intersect within a few miles of our Sedona boondock, and Itchy Hitcher/Pen Pal Claudia and her husband, Marc, motored into our camp yesterday. We have been friends for many years but this is the first opportunity Pen Pal and I have had to actually meet.
Today we will lunch en mass under the ghostly Sycamores of Tlaquepaque's Mediterranean Village, where tiled fountains gurgle and vibrant beds of Pansies return smiles... and the food is out of this world. 

Here are some photos taken on a hike with Lloyd a couple of days ago. Stay tuned for more stories and photos of our get togethers... gotta run.

Wow, I thought for a minute we'd stumbled across Boonie and Poncho!!!

Wandrin takes his photography serious

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  1. A pink Jeep?! My wife loved it! Me? well.. Looked like a good day!

  2. Joe, can't seem to shake pink jeeps here... they're multiplying like rabbits. Otherwise, always a good day to hike with Wandrin' ;))


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