Friday, June 28, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
A Promontory Promise Kept
I pointed the promontory out from Main Street Ouray. "Look, that's the cliff I was on last year that was so amazing. We've got to get up there, you won't believe your eyes looking down. You can see all of Ouray, including our house. "
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Biker Versus Runner: Ouray to Yankee Boy Basin
"Good health, peace of mind, being outdoors, camaraderie: those are all wonderful things that come to you when running. But for me, the real pull of running—the proverbial icing on the cake—has always been racing." Bill Rodgers
Friday, June 21, 2019
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Sunday, June 9, 2019
3,059.3 Feet: A Glorious Mountain Bike Grind Up Camp Bird Mine Road
Ahhhh, the time of year when Spring finally runs out of bewildering Winter surprises. Normally a time to set our sights on exploring Lovely Ouray's surround of High-Country. But these are not "normal" times. In the aftermath of a record-setting 700% above normal snowpack, it'll be a while before we can go off-road without snowshoes. Nevertheless, we haven't been idle...