Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Land Of Falling Down Rocks

I had hoped to hang around till sometime in early May. But with temperatures occasionally nudging into the mid 80's, I could feel the "noose" tightening around my time in Camp Klondike. Due to work and volunteer commitments, this would be Bobbie's last chance to join me, there, in my ramshackle Rv home-away-from-home. 

Another Exploratory Hike-a-Bike To The Whitecaps For A Better Look At Little Ass Valley

"In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man...in spite of real sorrows."  Emerson

Monday, April 22, 2019

Buddy Chris Joins In The "Fun" At Camp Klondike

Twin Lazy Daze? Not quite...Chris's L D (foreground) is super clean and spiffy, while Goldie (background), well, let's just say "she's been around."

Sunday, April 21, 2019

"Seek, And You Shall Find:" Reverse Engineering A Loop-Hike From Beyond Tower Arch

Successful or not, "seeking" has never been so much fun. There's no such thing as failure when hiking through dazzling red rock sculptures in a symphony of solitude.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Beyond Tower Arch Part II: Where Outdoor Life Sometimes Slips Through The Cracks...

What a glorious day of route-finding the gaps between colossal sandstone Fins, being humbled by the measure of Marching Men, and slip-navigating a tapering 16 inch crack so constricted I couldn't  draw a full breath. And best of all? We're still headed away from camp in search of the ultimate loop. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Beyond Tower Arch: Where Outdoor Life Sometimes Slips Through The Cracks...

I told her it was going to be a long day...a four to five hour loop-hike from camp... 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Between Hikes...

A detour through the Inside Passage to iron out a couple tricky spots. Zoom Zoom. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

"Everything I need..."

Something hits me like a shovel
and I am stunned into believing
anything is possible...
suddenly I know
everything I need is waiting for me...
Richard Shelton, Going Back to Bisbee

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Long Wander...just wandering, thinking, existing, and appreciating the luck of his landing

A man said to the universe: 
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe, 
“The fact has not created in me 
A sense of obligation.” 
Stephen Crane