Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Daylight Shortage Time...An Endorphin Fueled Christmas Muse

I was inspired by a recent blog post entitled, "Slowing Time," where friend Juliet addresses how she deals with life's anxieties and pressures. Her thoughts are especially relevant this time of year.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

"Recollections and Refueling" Part II

Bobbie and I paused to take in the above view after having conquered what we thought was all, or at least most, of the day's elevation gain. The mountain skyline was both stunning and familiar. On the far right a sliver of 13,208 foot Hayden Mountain; not enough fingers to count how many times we've summited that beast...from both the Yankee Boy and Clear Lake side.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Recollections and "Refueling" On The Mountain

Only in silence can we hear the one true voice that really matters...

Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Seven-ish Mile Snow-hike With Caleb and Kelli

Son, Caleb, and dotter-in-law, Kelli, wanted to squeeze in one more snow-hike before they left to spend Christmas with her parents in Osage Beach, Missouri.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Friendly Skies

With repairs/closures on the Million Dollar Highway between Lovely Ouray and Red Mountain Pass, we were forced to seek alternative snowshoe playgrounds...preferably some "new dots."

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Thanksgiving: Going At The Speed Of A Thousand Smiles An Hour

In a speed-of-light world that oft seems to be racing toward demise, we all need a constant...something steadfast to hold on to as the years race by. For me it is our far flung Family.