Wednesday, December 30, 2015

With Every Obstacle Comes Opportunity…

In the previous post Bobbie and I were about to head up Red Mountain's switchbacks to do some high altitude snowshoeing on the pass (11,000 feet).  It was the first clear day after a series of holiday storms that left several feet of snow in the high San Juans. About 3 miles from town we found Highway 550 South barricaded for "avalanche control." Ugh… 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Red Mountain's Majesty… Snowshoeing Commodore Gulch Backcountry To Barstow Mine

Christmas is behind us! The storms have passed! There is new powder to track on "Red!" Life is truly good GREAT! 

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Old Man In the Window Is Me…

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all our friends in the BCB audience. It is snowing hard here in Lovely Ouray this morning, a beautiful sight to behold. For now we are warm and snug by the fire, but will venture out soon and work up an appetite for a traditional turkey dinner with all the fixings. The following is a Christmas Post blast from the past. I thought it appropriate to republish as a gentle reminder of Christmas's past and future. Love to all, Mark and Bobbie.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Little Big Horn and Harem

On a crisp, clear morning Bobbie and I waded a couple days worth of fresh snow... up Oak Creek Trail to solitude and beyond.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

On "Change" and "Leaving"

"…Every person has to leave, has to change like the seasons; they have to or they die… seasons remind me that I must keep changing." Donald Miller