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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Breaking Out Of Prison With Albert

At the end of a well spent day in Zion, one should smell of sweat and dirt.

I review scads of pathetic photos every night... killing the inadequate, pardoning the marginal... and after having employed every skill, trick and gimmick in my bag, yawn at the survivors like they were someone else's spoiled brats. Same with words. 

I went in search of help from someone smarter than me, someone who sees the "whole," as well as the "parts," someone who knows how to simplify an "equation" to its most basic and common denominators... someone like Albert Einstein.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” 

Every time I make what has become nothing short of a November pilgrimage to Zion... ascend to its rims, kneel in its depths... there is an uptick in my understanding, compassion, and spirituality. The individual pieces of "The Puzzle" take on a new significance and meaning, and I can almost... almost... grasp the concept behind Albert's simplified equation.   

This is how one Park Ranger spends her day off in Zion
Maikel and Bobbie

Complimenting Nature...

Messing Nature up...

A very, very deep Slot Canyon

Yes, Susan, their is a God in Zion...

We were down there a couple of hours ago...

Thanks to the Civilian Conservation Corp, Zion's rims are safely attainable on painstakingly made trails


  1. Love that trail part way up the slot canyon.

  2. Maikel here. Also required is that 'tan' line when you take off your socks. Only to discover that it's dirt.

  3. Awesome pictures. Have visited Zion three times in the last four years, but always in the early summer. Putting it back on the list for November.

  4. The last time I was there I still had a real job, I only had three days..Guess I hardly got my boots scuffed. Thanks for showing what I have to revisit...

  5. To each place a season.. it appears that Fall is wonderful season for Zion.

  6. Laverne in Austin: Great photo,s! You and Bobbie look as much at home as you do in lovely Ouray! Really enjoy your blogs..."they make my day"! Thanks

  7. The trail looks really interesting. Many of the trails in Zion are too difficult or longer than we can hike. Would you share the difficulty, length and name of this trail?

  8. The inspirational quote sums it up. Thanks.

  9. Great photos! I can see why you're all smiling. :)

  10. Beautiful. Both the post and the pictures. I wonder what that park ranger is thinking?

    Looks like ya'll are having lots of fun!

    Julie in Austin

    PS Hi Mom!

  11. Gaelyn,
    Quite the number of switchbacks, eh? Very cool in the Slot Canyon too. thanks

    Jerry C,
    The great thing about November in Zion is that the crowds are gone... for the most part, weekends can be a little busy if the weather is good. Fall is just getting started too, so we get to enjoy falls in colorado and here. Nothing wrong with that. and lastly, we're here in November :)) Thanks

    Up River,
    Real Jobs suck... three days won't go far here. Thanks and better luck next time.

    Kib Explores,
    Zion wears fall pretty darn good :)) Thanks

    Your comment makes my day. Thank you!

    Delta Mike,
    I was wondering, do you know Up River Dave? Just curious... you sound like you could be related :))
    The Observation Point Trail is nearly eight miles round trip. But you can get most of the cool stuff in the first two and a half miles one way... great views, slot canyons and the magnificence of Zion. Thanks, hope this encourages you.

    Ron and Cyndi,
    That quote does indeed sum it up. So does the one on my next post...

    You should see the smiles when we sit down to eat!!! They get even bigger :)))))))))
    thanks, say I to eric and old blue...

    Wow, I get the whole Fam Damily in one post! I'm honored :))
    Yes, a penny for the ranger's thoughts...
    Mom say "hey"


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